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General Advanced Technological Education -- Recruitment


87.9% of college-bound female students reported that The Engineer Your Life (EYL) website made them more interested in a career in engineering and 75.5% said the website inspired them to take an engineering class in college. The EYL website also helped 99% of counselors surveyed learn something...
This website provides the results of a case study on Evergreen Valley College's (EVC) student retention strategies. In 2008, EVC joined the CalWomenTech Project to ensure women would be included and successful in EVC's Automotive Technology program. This resource includes background information...
Screenshot for Eye on Campus, Weld-Ed Summer Camp Video
This video, created by Weld-Ed: The National Center for Welding Education and Training, is four and a half minutes long and describes the experiences of girls participating in a Weld-Ed summer camp. The camp, targeted at seventh and eighth grade girls, introduces students to welding and related...
Screenshot for Factors that Influence Students to Enroll in Technology Education Program
This paper, by Michael Gray, a middle school technology education teacher, and Michael Daugherty of the Department of Technology at Illinois State University, covers enrollment factors in technology education programs. The paper covers the authors' study "to identify effective recruitment techniques...
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV focuses on GIS careers. Viewers will learn about the work of GIS technicians and the applications of the data they collect. Running time for the episode is 4:55.
This 23-page document offers a step-by-step guide for the creation of a social media campaign. This guide is specifically designed for "colleges looking to incorporate social media into their student recruitment strategies" and is built around ten actions that experts consider to be essential to...
This 2-page article from the Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science profiles Philip Jelinek, an automotive technology teacher at Monrovia High School in Monrovia, California. Philip's retention and recruitment of female students is discussed. As the article states, "Because Phillip’s...
This case study from the National Center for Women & Information Technology explains how instructors can implement pair programming in their computing courses, and shares how the University of California Santa Cruz used pair programming assignments to increase the retention of both female and male...
Screenshot for How to Develop and Market a Career Development Course to Recruit Women in Technology Related Classes
This archived webinar was presented by Geri Hertel. Geri will lead you through the step-by-step process of creating a Women in Technology class. She also includes a sample curriculum that you may use as a model for constructing a course like this. Java is required to access the webinar.
This report includes profiles of seven projects that have successfully worked to recruit and/or retain female students in community college STEM programs, including IWITTS’s CalWomenTech Project. The report highlights proven strategies from successful programs, reviews the current literature on...
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