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This 2-page activity is provided by AgrowKnowledge and is intended to be used for obtaining "parameter samples of water along a river bed using TI-84, CBL2 hand-held technology, probes, and sensors to collect and analyze data." This activity includes the following sections: Purpose; Background;...
In this lesson from MAPS GIS at Lane Community College, students will look at world health data using GIS. The students will be compare malaria and cholera death data from different years and predict if there exist the conditions for an epidemic. Students will take on the role of an epidemiologist...
Screenshot for Equipment Curriculum
This resource, provided by Dakota County Technical College, includes modules and module outlines for autonomous technology related to an ISA-TOPE track loader. The modules include presentations related to both the operation of these track loaders along with their maintenance and repair. The...
In this lab activity from the Biotechnology Alliance for Suncoast Biology Educators (BASBE), students will explore photosynthesis, develop a testable hypothesis about the effect of light quality (color) on the rate of photosynthesis of Elodea, and graph measurement data from their testing. The...
In this lab activity from the Biotechnology Alliance for Suncoast Biology Educators (BASBE), students will learn the phases of mitosis and determine the approximate time it takes for plant and animal cells to pass through each of the four stages of mitosis. They do this by counting the number of...
Screenshot for Etch Overview for Microsystems Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), introduces students to common etch processes used in the fabrication of microsystems. Etch terminology, purpose, and processes are covered in the module. The included activities "allow students to demonstrate...
Screenshot for Ethics Concept Module
This module is provided by GeoTech Center, and discusses concepts related to ethics in geographic information systems. Module contents include a video recording, the PowerPoint presentation featured in the video, and a module overview document. The Ethics Concept Module is a recorded PowerPoint...
Screenshot for Evaluating Insect Damage to Forest Resources in New Mexico
Exercise Description: This exercise, created by the Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT), uses real-world examples of drought damage and environmental issues caused by insect infestation to determine whether Geographic Information System (GIS) technology can be...
This 2-page Every Plant for Itself activity is provided by AgrowKnowldge and focuses on plant survival. The activity is intended to strengthen student's knowledge of the key requirements of plants, demonstrate plant survival, and to explain how herbicides eliminate competition for key resources by...
Course Description: This course, titled Experimental Testing of Vehicles and provided by the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT), is designed for community college students and automotive test technicians in the area of vehicle experimental testing. It is suitable for inclusion in an...
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