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Screenshot for AI and Data Ethics Special Interest Group - Case Studies
This 6-page document, published and produced by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was used in a special interest group workshop at the July 2021 Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Conference (HITEC). The document provides four real-world case studies that examine ethical...
Screenshot for AIDA: Technical Report
This 22-page report, published by the Polytechnic University of Turin, describes the design and construction of AIDA, an underwater remotely operated vehicle. This report was created by the PoliTOcean team, a group that participated in the 2021 MATE ROV competitions Explorer class. MATE ROV is a...
Screenshot for Air Pollution Solutions Lesson
This lesson plan from Breathe Utah and the STEM Action Center - Utah covers air pollution. The lesson is intended for 6th to 8th graders and includes the aligning Core Standards. During the lesson, "students will investigate possible solutions to air pollution in relation to per capita consumption...
These slides, provided by Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), were presented at the Manufacturing Pathways in Action Workshop held on March 17 and 18, 2015. This workshop demonstrated "a college's implementation of various award winning pathway models (Alamo Area...
This 2-page activity, provided by AgrowKnowledge, simulates the combustion process that occurs inside a gasoline engine. The goal of this activity is "to demonstrate the combustion of vapors of a flammable liquid in air." This activity includes goals and objectives, a brief activity overview,...
Screenshot for Alien Species
This collection, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), focuses on student activities based the impact of invasive species on ecosystems. The first document is a teachers' guide containing a textbook assignment along with instructions for student PowerPoint...
This 9-page article from Elizabeth E. LeClair highlights a spatial reasoning exercise and the importance of spatial reasoning ability. This exercise was developed to enhance students' spatial reasoning without using challenging jargon or digital imaging. "Using refrigerator magnets, foam blocks, ink...
Description:  This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers alternative energy sources. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into three...
Screenshot for Amatrol Content for HCC Industrial Technology Courses
This 3-page document, published by Heartland Community College (HCC), describes the use of Amatrol trainers and digital Amatrol-based instructional materials in HCC industrial technology courses. The document provides course descriptions for fifteen different courses that use Amatrol materials....
Screenshot for America's Marine Highway Report to Congress
This report is part of the the America’s Marine Highway Program. The Program is intended to expand the use of our inland, Great Lakes Saint Lawrence Seaway System, intracoastal, and coastal waterways for the transportation of freight (loaded in containers and trailers) and passengers to mitigate...
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