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Assessment Material -- Test


Screenshot for Energy Conversions and Beyond
This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight a lesson on energy unit conversions. The collection is composed of five documents. Documents include an instructors guide and answer key, a...
Screenshot for Etch Overview for Microsystems Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), introduces students to common etch processes used in the fabrication of microsystems. Etch terminology, purpose, and processes are covered in the module. The included activities "allow students to demonstrate...
This 3-page activity was created by SHINE: Seattle's Hub for Industry-driven Nanotechnology Education and covers forensic analysis using scanning electron microscopy. In this activity students will learn basic functions and capabilities of a scanning electron microscope (SEM), use a SEM to image ...
This 10-page document is provided by AgrowKnowledge and includes an overview of a Forest Science course in an Agriculture program. "This course provides entry-level skills for employment in the forest industry and for further study." Course topics include establishing forests by natural and...
Screenshot for Hands-On Assessment Example
This 3-page assessment, created and published by Northwest State Community College, evaluates a student's ability to understand motor control and motor branch circuits. The assessment is composed of an introduction, five questions, three figures, and a Department of Labor's Employment and Training...
Screenshot for Hazardous Materials Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides "information on hazardous materials and how these materials could affect one's health and the safety of the working environment." This module is divided into the following five units: HazMat I and II...
In this video, provided by Purdue University, Chad Laux interviews Coty Back from the Indiana Department of Agriculture and Future Farmers of America. Coty discusses thoughts about the Engineering Technology Summit and agriculture education and careers. This video runs 3:35 minutes in length.
Screenshot for Introduction to Actuators Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides an overview of actuator devices, including "what they are, how they work and how they are used in both macro and micro-sized systems." This module is divided into the following four units: Pre-test...
This activity, created by Maricopa Community Colleges, is designed to provide students with a short introduction to solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technology. The PowerPoint, which contains 74-slides, provides a brief overview of the history of solar energy: how it was originally used in the...
Screenshot for Introduction to Sensors Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), serves as an introduction to sensors, one component found in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). This module is related to two other modules that cover components in MEMS, transducers and actuators. These...
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