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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the second part of a two part lecture that discusses phase sequence detectors. During this lecture phase sequence is discussed and "the practical application and theory of operation of a phase sequence detector circuit for a 3 phase AC...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the first part of a two part lecture that discusses phase shifts. During this lecture "time variant sinusoidal waveforms including positive or negative phase shift [and] relative phase shift between sinusoidal waveforms that lead or lag...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the second of a two part lecture that discusses phase shifts. During this lecture "time variant sinusoidal waveforms including positive or negative phase shift [and] relative phase shift between sinusoidal waveforms that lead or lag one...
Screenshot for Phase-Splitting of Single-Phase Motors
This interactive presentation, created by Terry Bartelt for the Electromechanical Digital Library, discusses phase splitting in single-phase motors. Bartelt begins with a discussion of the sine waves that starts this process. After this important introduction, the author allows the student to...
Screenshot for Phasor Diagram of the Induction Motor
This animation, created by Mahmoud Riaz of the University of Minnesota, presents an example in motion of an induction motor. As Riaz writes, "The steady-state characteristics of an induction motor are described by means of phasors, which are computed using the standard equivalent circuit and are...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the first part of a two part lecture that discusses phasor notation. The main objective of this lecture is to "learn to represent time variant sinusoidal electrical phenomenon as phasor equivalents." This video runs 16:51 minutes in...
This video, provided by Columbia Gorge Community College, is the second part of a two part lecture that discusses phasor notation. The main objective of this lecture is to "learn to represent time variant sinusoidal electrical phenomenon as phasor equivalents." This video runs 18:34 minutes in...
Screenshot for Phenolic Compounds: Red Grapes
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America covers phenolic compounds, red wine phenolic structure, and red wine color stability. In the video, Eglantine Chauffour describes phenolic compounds and color stability chemistry, co-pigmentation, extraction kinetics during fermentation, skin compound ...
Screenshot for Phenolic Compounds: White Grapes
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America covers phenolic compounds and white wines. The webinar "focus[es] on the pre-fermentation steps of white wines process to limit phenolic compounds extraction, optimize press fractions, and stabilize wine from oxidation." The following topics and...
In this video from the ICT Center, learn about fiber optic receivers. Investigate the components of an optical receiver; how a photodetector converts an optical signal to an electrical one; and the characteristics of PIN, avalanche, and metal-semiconductor-metal photodiodes. The video runs 2:07 and...
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