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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Shape Changing Micromachines
This webinar was presented by Daniel López and introduces the fundamentals and limitations of current micro-machines. López also discusses the prospect of creating shape morphing structures by using origami and Kirigami techniques combined with nanoscale materials. These shape morphing systems...
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes shift registers, including serial, parallel, and rotation. This video runs 24:09 minutes in length.
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), is an animation which shows the viewer how to make an origami 3-D crystal from a template developed by Jack Judy at UCLA. Through this animation, "the 3-D crystal allows you to "see" the different planes of a silicon crystal,...
Created by Patrick Hoppe of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, this primer introduces the student to the key terms and concepts associated with the silicon diode. This is a nice introductory flash presentation for those interested in this topic.
This 31-minute video, one of seven in a series on semiconductors, provides a look at the thin-film deposition process. Industrial footage and animation show the chemical and physical reactions used to create the many layers of an integrated circuit. The video includes animations and close-up views...
One of seven in a series, this 37-minute video provides a look at the etching process as it is used in most production labs today. The video shows how thin films of nonconductive, semi-conductive, and conductive materials are sculpted into microchips by following the various etching processes and...
This 40-minute video on semiconductor manufacturing shows how microchips are made and how they work in electronic products. The video provides an overview of front-end manufacturing, from crystal growth through design, to the fabrication process of CMOS integrated circuits. The video includes...
One of a series of seven videos on semiconductors, this 28-minute companion to Silicon Run I covers back-end semiconductor manufacturing and computer manufacturing. It shows how fabricated IC wafers are tested, sorted, and packaged into microchips. Viewers will need a substantial background in...
This 30-minute video is the condensed, non-technical version of Silicon Run I and Silicon Run II. It combines key segments from both films to provide an overview of semiconductor and computer manufacturing. It is most suitable for either advanced high school students or first year college students...
This 31-minute DVD is designed to provide an intimate look at the chemical, physical, and mechanical aspects of photolithography. The majority of the critical process steps are covered, along with various inspection procedural details to aid in evaluating the process. Students will need a...
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