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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: The Polarization of Light
This lab activity, presented by John Chamberlain, covers the the polarization of light using filters. In this four-minute video, Chamberlain demonstrates the use of a flashlight, stand, reflective surface, and polarizing filters (including one used as an analyzer) to examine planes of polarization. ...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: The Spectrum of Colored Light
This lab activity, presented by John Chamberlain, examines the spectrum of colored light as it passes through a diffraction grating. In this four-minute video, Chamberlain demonstrates the use of color filters, stands, a flashlight, and the diffraction grating to identify and modify ranges of color...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: Total Internal Reflection
This lecture, presented by John Souders, covers the basics of total internal reflection as it relates to the fundamentals of light and laser. In seven minutes, Souders explains the 'critical angle of reflection,' which is "a necessary factor to consider when choosing whether to use dry or oil...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: Windows and Mirrors
This lab activity, presented by John Chamberlain, covers the basics of windows and mirrors as the two relate to reflections of light. In the 20-minute video, Chamberlain demonstrates equations that help determine reflection, including predicted reflection and actual reflection. Also explored are the...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Light and Lasers: Working with Diffraction Patterns, Wavelengths, and Polarization
This lab activity, presented by John Chamberlain, demonstrates the measurement of diffraction and wavelengths from a laser. The first part of this 18-minute video shows the measurement of the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern from a pinhole, including the calculation of the needed distance between the...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Qualitative Research
This webinar, provided by Clemson University, was presented by Katie Shakour and covers the fundamentals of qualitative research. During the webinar, viewers learn the "... definition of qualitative research and the most common methods and analysis techniques." The differences from quantitative...
Screenshot for Fusion 360 Guitar Body Creation Basics
This video, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is a narrated demonstration of the creation of electric guitar bodies in Fusion 360 computer-aided manufacturing software. Tom Singer goes through the process of creating a custom guitar body shape while narrating each step in detail and...
Screenshot for Fusion 360 Process of Creating a STEM Guitar Kit Body
This video, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is a demonstration of the process of creating electric guitar bodies in Fusion 360 computer-aided manufacturing software. Topics covered include: Electronics Cavity, Neck Profile Relief, Setting up CNC Processes, Creating CNC Setups, Back of the...
Screenshot for Future Directions for Farming, Education
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV contains "a 'high tech' Agriculture Technology program and visit with an Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence that has developed strategies to make learning more...
Screenshot for Future of Food and Agriculture from Macro to Nano: Opportunities and Challenges
This webinar is provided by the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center) and is presented by Dr. Carmen L. Gomes, a mechanical engineer from Iowa State University. The presentation highlights the need for convergence between several domains, to address the...
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