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This page from the SAGE 2YC project provides a list of links to articles, webinars, data and other information on recent geoscience employment trends which will be very useful for GIS faculty and students. The page is divided into several sections: Future Geoscience Workforce Needs, Resources and...
The Environmental Protection Agency provides this webpage as a resource for organizations and individuals seeking funding for projects that have environmental goals.  Grant rules and regulations, how to apply, and program offices are included as links on the webpage.  Additionally, the website...
This website, published by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations, offers various resources related to sustainable development across teh globe.  Topics covered range in subject matter; they include resources related to atmospheric pollution, food security and water and...
Screenshot for United States Agricultural Statistics Service
This webpage, published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is the homepage for the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Information available on this webpage is divided into the following sections: Data & Statistics, Publications, Newsroom, Surveys, Census, About...
Screenshot for Units of Weights and Measures Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides "information on the evolution of the current systems of weights and measures, and an overview of the International Standards of Units and metric system." This module is divided into the following five ...
University Leaders for a Sustainable Future assists colleges and universities in making sustainability an integral part of curriculum, research, operations and outreach. This site includes the following sections: Home, About, Talloires Declaration, Programs and Services, Resources, and Contact Us....
This page, from the University of Cambridge's Dissemination of IT for the promotion of Materials Science (DoITPoMS), offers a collection of Teaching and Learning Packages (TLPs) for use by educators and the public. These TLPs "each focus on a common materials science topic met within undergraduate...
This collection of factsheets from the University of Michigan's Center for Sustainable Systems is designed to inform students, teachers, business professionals, and policy makers on a variety of topics that affect the environment. Factsheets are updated annually and peer-reviewed. "Each factsheet...
This webpage, provided by the University New Hampshire, is an educational research program that focuses on New England forest systems.  Spreadsheets can be downloaded for teachers to use in gathering their own data.  Materials for educational use are divided into two species categories: Mapes and...
Description: This collection, made available by Clark State Community College, includes instructional material about updating John Deer's GreenStar precision agriculture software and additional reference material for using the software. Contents: This collection includes three guides that cover...
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