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Middle School -- Grade 6


Screenshot for Labs Land
This LabsLand website connects schools with real laboratories that are available on the Internet. "A real laboratory can be a small arduino-powered robot in Spain, a kinematics setup in Brazil or a radioactivity testing lab in Australia." The laboratories are real, "not simulations: the laboratories...
Screenshot for Landsat Science: Education
This is the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's launch page for all things related to Landsat science education. The Landsat program has been collecting spectral information of the earth's surface for over 40 years--the longest continual record of images of our planet. This website ...
This file contains six promotional flyers for events hosted by LASER-TEC. Four of these flyers promote different summer 2018 bootcamps designed for youth between the ages of 12 and 17. Another flyer provides information about LASER-TEC's Tech Like a Girl camp, which was designed to "introduce 7th...
Screenshot for Latitude and Longitude
This video, created by Andy Jensen and narrated by Shant Salakian, provides a brief introduction to latitude and longitude. Salakian explains how latitude and longitude are used to describe locations on the surface of the earth. The video runs 03:14 minutes in length. 
Screenshot for Lava Challenge: Molten Madness
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features an earth science activity designed for sixth graders. In this activity, students develop a procedure using a scale model with dish soap to determine how long it takes lava to flow, then draft recommendations for the evacuation of...
Screenshot for Learn Engineering Through Videos
This infoco webpage provides a collection of links to educational videos related to engineering that are intended for a general audience. The videos cover a variety of topics and include STEM Concept Videos, Brave New World with Stephen Hawking, Visions of the Future, Inventions that Changed the...
This is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) launch page on environmental education. "Environmental education is a multi-disciplinary approach to learning about environmental issues that enhances knowledge, builds critical thinking skills and helps students make informed and responsible...
Part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's education resources, this list of "Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides and Online Resources for Educators" contains links to environmental based lesson plans, activities and ideas from the EPA, as well as other federal agencies and external organizations....
Screenshot for Learning Spaces
This book, edited by Diana G. Oblinger. Space, discusses whether physical or virtual, can have a significant impact on learning. The book includes a table of contents and 43 chapters. Chapters include Space as a Change Agent, Challenging Traditional Assumptions and Rethinking Learning Spaces,...
Screenshot for Lesson Plans & Activities
These lesson plans and activities explore the process of discovering and using oil and gas as energy sources. Lesson plans and activities for primary, intermediate, and secondary students are provided. Lessons that align with the Scotland Curriculum for Excellence and Canadian requirements are also...
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