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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Minority Male Initiative: Keys to Success
This webinar and corresponding slides were presented by the Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center. In the video, the Maricopa Minority Male Initiative is described, which is designed to improve retention and degree completion rates of male students. Persistence and retention are identified...
BLOSSOMS, a video resource library created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, contains over 100 math and science lessons, all freely available to teachers as streaming video, Internet downloads, DVDs, and videotapes for use in their classrooms.  Each video lesson contains, which last...
Screenshot for MIT Digital Chemistry Lab Techniques Manual
The "Digital Lab Techniques Manual" is a series of videos designed to help students prepare for chemistry laboratory classes. Each video provides a detailed demonstration of a common laboratory technique. These videos provide a good supplement for teaching chemistry laboratory. Students can view the...
This article, published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) News, reports on how three MIT Engineers, Paula Hammond, Angela Belcher, and Yet-Ming Chiang developed a way to create and install microbatteries.  The batteries, built with viruses and fabricated using microcontact printing,...
Screenshot for MNMFG 2020 Interview Series: Trailer
This video, from the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence features people working in the manufacturing industry across Minnesota. In the testimonies, the employees describe what is enjoyable about working in manufacturing. This video runs 1:13 minutes in length.
Screenshot for MODE Webinar: Khan Academy Instructional Mathematics Videos in ASL (2 of 3)
This video, published by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is the second in a series of Math Observation in Deaf Education (MODE) webinars. In the video, Keith Mousley and Nick Catalano talk about their work with Khan Academy in providing instructional mathematics videos in American...
Screenshot for MODE Webinar: Perspectives of a Deaf Mathematician (3 of 3)
This video, published by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is the last in a series of Math Observation in Deaf Education (MODE) webinars. In the video, Christopher Hayes, a deaf PhD candidate at the University of Connecticut in mathematics discusses his experiences in higher...
Screenshot for MODE Webinar: Remote Teaching Mathematics for Deaf Students (1 of 3)
This video, published by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is the first in a series of Math Observation in Deaf Education (MODE) webinars. In the video, Dawn Kidd, Nancy McCanless, and Laura Metcalfe discuss the remote teaching of mathematics for deaf students. Remote education...
Screenshot for Modeling Across the Curriculum (MAC)
This project aims to demonstrate the effective use of technology to a student-centered, model-based approach to secondary science teaching. Using a variety of computer-based manipulable models and probeware, MAC teaches students how to create, refine, and apply mental models to improve their...
Screenshot for Modeling Edging Forces in Skiing using Merchant's Theory for Metal Cutting
Modeling Edging Forces in Skiing using Merchant's Theory for Metal Cutting is a website with slides demonstrating how Merchant's Theory relates to skiing. Pictures and equations are used to demonstrate forces in skiing. The edge and lean angles are used to describe how these forces are developed....
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