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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for PBCL: Why It Works
This video from the WGBH Educational Foundation is part of a series of videos that explore Problem-Based Case Learning (PBCL). In this video, practitioners and developers of Problem-Based Case Learning (PBCL) explain how the PBCL approach helps students take a hands-on approach to learning and apply...
This webpage, created by Pamela Redmond for Teaching and Learning Interchange, provides video case studies and resources for instructors who teach math and science.  The video cases "demonstrate lessons from real general science, biology, chemistry, physics, algebra and geometry classrooms at the...
The Pennsylvania State University offers B.S., B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Geography. The faculty encourage students to arrange courses of study appropriate to their individual needs and aspirations. Programs in geography may be directed toward a career in public service, teaching and research,...
This curriculum resource, created by Penn State University for the Youth Engaged in Technology program (YET) is geared toward 4-H participants interested in learning about GIS technologies. This four week course module covers the fundamentals of GIS mapping as well as how to read and use GIS maps....
This page from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources provides a number of classroom resources on topics like rocks, minerals, fossils, general geology, glaciers, earthquakes, historic geology and more. Clicking on a topic area will lead users to a webpage with resources...
Screenshot for Performance Assessment Links in Science
This resource, from SRI International, is an on-line, standards-based, resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks. The resources are "collected from numerous sources, include student...
Screenshot for Performing a Gram Strain
This video from CUNY Kingsborough Community College describes how to perform a gram strain. The brief demonstration is described step by step and would be easy to replicate in a laboratory setting. Running time for the video is 1:46.
Screenshot for Periodic Table of Elements in Pictures
This image shows each element of the periodic table represented by a picture of something that contains that element. For example, sulfur depicts a picture of egg yolks. Symbol and color keys are included. 
Screenshot for Personal Protective Equipment Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides an overview of personal protective equipment (PPE) used in manufacturing and laboratory environments. The module also covers "the purpose of PPE and what type of PPE is required for different tasks."...
In this video by Bio-Link, four students talk about their experiences as biotech students. Students talk about the community college experience, advantages of community college courses, getting involved in the biotech program, and internship experience. This video runs 3:43 minutes in length. 
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