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High School -- Grade 11


In this video adapted from the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center, students will learn about a robotics competition which uses remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) underwater. The material is intended for students in grades 6-12. Running time for the video is 3:32. It is accompanied by...
This PowerPoint presentation is provided by AgrowKnowledge and includes images, information, and resources about hydropower. This presentation explains how hydropower works and includes the following sections: What happens, Sizes - Micros to Giants, Parts: Dam/Reservoir, Like toy motors, How much...
In this interactive activity adapted from the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, students will "use mathematics and measuring skills to solve a construction problem." They will determine how many shingles are required to reroof a house using common tools, and learn about the importance of planning...
Screenshot for Research Assistant Sandra Bustamante
This video, presented by WGBH, takes a look at what it is like to be a research assistant in a university setting working on a nanoparticle project. The video showcases the kind of independent and collaborative work that goes on in a laboratory setting as a research assistant. Viewers will also find...
Screenshot for Research Internships in Geospatial Technologies for Undergraduates
This 6-page resource provides information on the application process for the Summer Workforce Internship Program (SWIP) held by the BCC Geospatial Center of the CUNY CREST Institute. The goal of the SWIP "is to train participants in industry relevant geospatial and STEM research projects." During...
Screenshot for Research on Building Student and Teacher Capacity
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides three presentations that explore research on building student and teacher capacity. In the first presentation, Bob Coulter highlights the GeoData Talks, which aim to build data literacy. Examples of data literacy are provided. In the second...
Screenshot for Richard Feynman Video
This video clip provides an introduction to Richard Feynman's work and his impact on nanotechnology. Feynman's talk "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" examined the future of technology and how things could be done on the nano-scale. The video includes a few quotes from Feynman's work.
Screenshot for Right Angle Trigonometry
This Right Angle Trigonometry lesson, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, is part of a series of seven applied electronics math lessons. This lesson starts with an introduction to angles and triangles, similar triangles, scaling, the Pythagorean theorem,...
Screenshot for ROAR-E1: Columbia University Robotics Club: Technical Report
This 14-page report, from the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Columbia University Robotics Club team for the Explorer Class of the 2023 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a...
Screenshot for Robosharks : Technical Report
This 23-page report, published by Boulder High School, describes the design and construction of Hammerhead, an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) meant to assist in remediating "plastic pollution, the loss of coral reefs, and the contamination of waterways." This report was created by the...
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