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High School -- Grade 11


This 20 page case study, from the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) National Center, provides an overview of the facility management, maintenance, and operations of the Smithsonian Institution's facilities in Washington D.C.. Best practices are highlighted to "provide snap-shots...
Screenshot for Snake Oil
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concepts of material properties. Students will use "electrochemistry techniques to generate colloidal silver and then utilize the colloidal silver to determine if the growth of the bacteria Saccharomyces cerevisiae...
Socrative is an application for classroom engagement. "Get instant insight into student learning with easy-to-create quizzes, polls, exit tickets and more!" Users may enroll for a free version or pay for an annual subscription. 
Screenshot for SOHO Lesson Plans
This web page, assembled by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for their resource pertaining to the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft, includes ten science-related lesson plans for teachers. Topics covered include sunspots, solar rotation, magnetic fields, orbits,...
Screenshot for Solar Kit Lessons
This website has 15 lesson plans in solar energy developed by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. The lesson plans include the following topics: solar cell inquiry, sunshine timer, parts of a solar panel I, parts of a solar panel II, build a simple ammeter, solar-powered...
Screenshot for Solar Toolkit
This toolkit, published by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), seeks to "flatten the learning curve for those seeking to install solar at their own institution" by providing tools and resources on installing a solar voltaic system. These...
This is a webpage filled with Solid State learning objects including the following: Semiconductor Diodes, Rectifier Filtering and Regulation, D/A and A/D Converters, Opto Electronic Devices, Operational Amplifiers, Transistors, Thyristors, and Timers.
Screenshot for Solving Linear Equations with One Variable
This collection of videos is part of a series of lessons on math provided by DeafTEC. Gary Blatto-Vallee, a math and science instructor at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, guides viewers through a variety of mathematical exercises in this DeafTEC video series. All lessons are fully...
Screenshot for Solving Linear Equations with Two Variables
This collection of videos is part of a series of lessons on math provided by DeafTEC. Gary Blatto-Vallee, a math and science instructor at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, guides viewers through a variety of mathematical exercises in this DeafTEC video series. All lessons are fully...
Screenshot for Solving the Math Problem: Strategies For Teaching Biotech Math
In this video from InnovATEBIO, Lisa Seidman and Rodney Null talk about strategies to help students develop the skills and confidence they need to solve math-related challenges in biotechnology classes and jobs. Misconceptions about peoples' abilities to do math, math required in common...
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