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High School -- Grade 11


This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes the sum of products and runs 19:51 minutes in length.
Collection Description: This collection contains materials related to the CollaborATE Summer Working Connections (SWC) Introduction to Mechatronics workshop. This week long workshop is a professional development opportunity for high school STEM faculty. The workshop "provide[s] hands-on...
Screenshot for Super Saturated Sodium Acetate (Slow Crystallization)
This short YouTube video, which runs for 0:26 was created by Dr. Michael Freudinger in 2008 to demonstrate the slow crystallization of super saturated sodium acetate. The description of the video provides an explanation for the reaction: "A single seed crystal was added to the saturated sodium...
Screenshot for, created by Joe Eck, is a "non-profit, non-affiliated website intended to introduce beginners and non-technical people to the world of superconductors." To this end, Eck's website contains sections such as "What is a Superconductor?" and "The History of Superconductors,"...
Screenshot for Superfund
The Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund Redevelopment Initiative seeks to remediate contaminated land and respond to environmental emergencies and disasters.  This webpage provides an overview of the initiative's history, community involvement, information regarding cleanup support, and the...
Screenshot for Superhydrophobic Coating
This video discusses some of the work done with superhydrophobic technology at Sandia National Laboratories. This video demonstration is an excellent introduction to the technology and would be useful in facilitating classroom discussion. Running time for the video is 4:10.
This diagram, from the National Center for Supply Chain Automation, shows academic paths for high school graduates, military Veterans, and adult workers to supply chain technology careers. Academic pathways include professional organization certifications and employer training, community and...
Presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, this two-part laboratory activity was designed to complement any chemistry unit on catalysts to "help students understand how nanoparticles may be more effective catalysts by investigating how the surface area-to-volume ratio of a...
Screenshot for Surface Micromachining Overview
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), introduces the viewer to the concept of surface micromachining. The lecture runs for 7:25 minutes and covers "overview of the surface micromachining processes used to fabricate micro-sized devices such as cantilevers, gears,...
Screenshot for Sustainable Communities Online
This website, provided by Sustainable Communities Online, is a compilation of various resources focused on the topic of sustainability.  The website offers resources and initiatives that "have been selected to help you learn about ways to make your community healthier, safer, greener, more livable,...
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