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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Thirteen Ed Online: Educator Resources
This site offers a variety of lesson plans, hands-on projects, multimedia presentations, and other STEM resources for middle school and high school teachers that can be used in the classroom. The lesson archives section includes resources in the areas of mathematics, finance, science, social...
Screenshot for Threaded Fasteners Activity
This 11-page resource, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is an activity on the use of threaded fasteners in guitar construction. During the activity students will "[identify] the various threaded fasteners that are found in this project, and in industry, with respect to the following...
Screenshot for Three Activities: Environmental Disasters & Response
This 6-page resource, provided by the Advanced Technology Environmental Education Center (ATEEC), features three activities centered on Emergency Response Plans to oil spills. Included are lesson plans for each activity, assignments, timeframes, and materials needed. The activities are...
Screenshot for Three Activities: Environmental Health - Bacteria Study, Micro Study, & Bacteria Killers
This 4-page resource, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center, provides problem-based activities on risk assessment of environmental health issues. The following three activities are included: Bacteria Study, Micro Study, and Bacteria Killers. Bacteria Study gives students...
Screenshot for Three Environmental Health Activities: One Hand Washes the Other, I'm All Washed Up, Who is All Washed Up?
The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center provides these problem-based activities on risk assessment of environmental health issues. During these activities, students study infectious diseases, particularly those spread via vector-borne, food-borne, and water-borne means. Students also ...
This webpage from the GeoTech Center features a document from Irina Kopteva of Pikes Peak Community College discussing the Tiered Internship Model for students in geospatial technology. The goal of the project was "to create a tiered internship program with industry that will start with two-year...
In this video provided by Bio-Link, Xan Simonson discusses creating a high school biotechnology program. Simonson is the coordinator of the Mesa Public Schools Biotech Academy, a program created for at risk students. The program focuses on teaching skills and techniques for working in a research...
Screenshot for To Recruit and Advance: Women Students and Faculty in Science and Engineering
This National Academy of Sciences book on better practices for the recruitment, retention and promotion of women scientists and engineers can be browsed online or downloaded for free. It includes strategies actually implemented by universities to recruit more women to undergraduate and graduate...
Screenshot for Tolerances
This 13-page resource, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is an activity on the use of tolerances in engineering drawings. During the activity students will "learn to identify tolerances on a drawing, calculate the acceptable dimension of a feature, and specify tolerances for dimensions...
Screenshot for Toolbox for Curriculum Documentation and Testing
This 25-page document is designed to assist educators in the development of curriculum, application of supporting instructional technology, and in supporting other aspects of natural resource education. This Toolbox is intended to assist faculty in documentation and testing of their instructional...
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