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Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)


Screenshot for Agricultural Genomics: The Rise of Genomes
This video from InnovATEBIO explores the role of high-quality genomes and annotations for agricultural species and their pests. In the video, Doreen Ware from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory highlights sustainability and defense as agricultural drivers, the Maize genome and its diversity over 16...
Screen shot first page
This case study describes how the Additive Manufacturing (AM) department at Somerset Community College collaborated with a regional beef farmer facing broken machinery during the peak hay harvesting season. By implementing 3D printing, the farmer was able to design and produce replacement parts for...
In this 4:23 video adapted from Pathways to Technology, learn why, to be a successful farmer today, you need the latest computer technology. Community college student Adam Sheppard’s family has been farming the same land for seven generations. The geographic information systems (GIS) and global...
Screenshot for Agriculture Internship Handbook
This 12-page handbook, provided by North Georgia Technical College, is intended for agriculture employers that are interested in providing internships. Providing internships allow the college to "graduate students who have skills that more closely align with business and industry." This handbook...
Screenshot for Agriculture Programs Recruitment Package
Collection Description These recruitment materials were developed by Wayne Randall and Pat Marcellino from North Georgia Technical College. These materials constitute the recruitment packet that was created by the Modernizing Agriculture Technician Education in Appalachian Northeast Georgia...
This 11-page document is provided by AgrowKnowledge and includes an overview of a Biotechnology course in an Agriculture program. This course is intended to be "a supplemental or support course for agricultural career pathways such as Agriscience." This course introduces students to the major areas...
This collection of Developing a Curriculum (DACUM) charts is provided by AgrowKnowledge. The DACUM charts were created by a panel of industry professionals, college educators, and AgrowKnowledge. Each chart provides information for one of the following careers: GIS Technician/Analyst, Greenhouse...
Screenshot for AI and Data Ethics Special Interest Group - Case Studies
This 6-page document, published and produced by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was used in a special interest group workshop at the July 2021 Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Conference (HITEC). The document provides four real-world case studies that examine ethical...
Screenshot for AIDA: Technical Report
This 22-page report, published by the Polytechnic University of Turin, describes the design and construction of AIDA, an underwater remotely operated vehicle. This report was created by the PoliTOcean team, a group that participated in the 2021 MATE ROV competitions Explorer class. MATE ROV is a...
Screenshot for AIM Institute YouTube Channel
The Midwest Center for Information Technology's (MCIT) parent organization, the Applied Information Management Institute, presents their video channel from YouTube, featuring videos on information technology education, awards, initiatives, programs, and reports.
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