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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


This paper, by Stephen J. Ezell and Robert D. Atkinson and published by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, presents a national manufacturing strategy for the U.S.. The Paper focuses on three key questions: 1) Does the United States need a healthy manufacturing sector? 2) How healthy...
Screenshot for The Cell Membrane and Nanotechnology
This activity is from the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, which is a digital library of web-based learning objects. Barbara Liang created this resource, and it examines nanotechnology applications that are based on cell membrane structure and function. The brief activity contains animated...
This site, supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and the American Society for Cell Biology, is a resource database of cell images, videos, and animations for use in research, education, and training. The historic and modern...
Screenshot for The Center for Systems Security and Information Assurance: YouTube Channel
This site is the home of the Center for Systems Security and Information Assurance (CSSIA) on YouTube. The channel features a number of instructional videos on topics like wireless technologies, networks and security. The videos range from about one minute long to around fifteen minutes long.
Screenshot for The Critical Thinking Community
This website, provided by the Foundation for Critical Thinking, provides resources for educators regarding educational reform through critical thinking.  Visitors to the site can find links to the foundation's research, resources for professional and curriculum development, and conferences and...
In the growing field of nanotechnology, engineers are creating countless new microscopic materials. They're used in thousands of consumer goods, from cell phones to cosmetics and sunscreen. But how safe are they? Andrew Maynard is a physicist and director of the Risk Science Center at the University...
Screenshot for The Design of an Instrument to Assess Problem Solving Activities in Technology Education
This paper, From Roger B. Hill, Assistant Professor of Occupational Studies at the University of Georgia, discusses problem solving in technology education, and his assessment of different problems solving procedures using a tool called Observation Procedure for Technology Education Mental Processes...
Screenshot for The Effects of Personality Type on Engineering Student Performance and Attitudes
This paper, from R.M. Felder and E.J. Dietz of North Carolina State University, and G.N. Felder of Stanford University, covers a study done of students in an engineering course, and how their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator affects their performance and attitudes in the course. A background of...
This report, written by Clifford Andelman for the U.S. Department of Education, covers the major changes in student course-taking in postsecondary institutions between 1972 and 2000, with a specific focus on the years from 1992-2000. The report is based off of transcript analysis and three...
This book, from the National Academy of Engineering, is available for free download, and presents ways "to enhance the nation's economic productivity and improve the quality of life worldwide, engineering education in the United States must anticipate and adapt to the dramatic changes of engineering...
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