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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


This learning object, created by Terry Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, focuses on reflected load in a transformer. This employment of Flash allows users to interact with the presentation. Overall, this is a nice introduction to the basics of this specific topic.
Screenshot for The Role of Metacognition in Teaching Geoscience
This website, from the program On the Cutting Edge - Strong Undergraduate Geoscience Teaching, focuses on metacognition and its role in geoscience education. Metacognition, broadly, is defined as "thinking about thinking," and can help students monitor and adjust their own learning strategies to...
Screenshot for The Scholarship Horizons in Engineering Technology: Choosing the Best Path
This paper on Engineering Technology (ET) came from a task force that presented at the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. In it, the authors discuss ET scholarship and the importance of having relevant ET scholarship, the evaluation of ET Scholarship, faculty...
Screenshot for The Status of Design in Technology Teacher Education in the United States
This paper, from Scott A. Warner and Laura L. Morford of the Department of Industry and Technology at Ball State University, discusses design in technology teacher education in the United States. Warner and Morford present a study looking at both technique-based courses and synergistic courses....
Screenshot for The Supervisory Role of Life Science Research Faculty: The Missing Link to Diversifying the Academic Workforce?
This essay, published by the American Society for Microbiology, discusses the supervisory role of life science research faculty. "In this essay, [the authors] argue for a redefinition of mentoring in laboratory research, to thoroughly distinguish three essential roles played by research faculty...
This paper and accompanying presentation, by Eric M. Anderman, was given for the National Research Council Board on Testing and Assessment’s Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, Irvine, California, January 12-13, 2011. In it, Anderman critically examine how 21st century skills can be...
These webinar slides lay out the basic definitions and concepts needed to understand the remarkable changes coming as automobiles become more like robots and also essential elements of the ever-growing network of everything. The webinar was presented in four sections: Doug Fertuck, Assistant...
Screenshot for The Two-Year College Data Science Summit Report
This 36-page report, from the American Statistical Association, summarizes the Two-Year College Data Science Summit, the "state of data science/analytics programs at two-year colleges, recommendations, recommended program outcomes, and challenges." This Summit was held with the intent "to explore...
Screenshot for The Workings of the Retinal Prosthesis
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), describes a biomedical application of MEMS technology. This 5:08 minute long video describes "how a microsystems array is used in the retinal prosthesis to stimulate cells in the retina that talk to the brain via the optic...
Screenshot for Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing, Part 1 of 2
This video, from the Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT), is the first part of a two-part presentation on thermal infrared sensing. Topics covered include an introduction to the concept of thermal infrared, thermal radiation laws (including Backbody,...
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