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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


Screenshot for Webinar Slides: Transferring Knowledge to the New Style of Learning: Extending the Classroom Beyond the Four Walls
These presentation slides, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), describes how technology can be used in classrooms to provide educators with tools for extending the classroom beyond the school building. The presentation discusses how technological tools such as...
This MATEC NetWorks webinar was presented on September 21, 2012 and discusses blended and flipped learning. The webinar had the following learning objectives: achieve a common definition of flipped and an understanding of the driving rationale, demonstrate the role of video in the flipped model,...
Screenshot for Webinar: Building a NanoLab: Equipment and Program Overview
These presentation slides are from a webinar, by the Nanotechnology Applications & Career Knowledge Center (NACK), that focused on the start-up costs, infrastructure, maintenance, staffing, and supplies required to build a nanolab. The webinar also addressed how colleges can start their own...
This webinar, provided by the Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), was presented on September 20 2013. Louis Frenzel, noted author and editor of Electronic Design News, gives an overview of the ultra-current trends and technologies that are driving the industry today. Applications...
This webinar, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), addresses the importance of arts in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Incorporating art into STEM fields can help cultivate innovation during and after education. This presentation ...
This webinar, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), reviews the concept of Instructional Gaming. Instructional Gaming is defined as "...bringing game elements into the classroom to engage learners and immerse them in the right context for learning." The webinar features ...
This webinar, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), discusses barriers that prevent minority male college students from entering or graduating from college programs. The presenters also discuss strategies that community colleges are implementing to address the...
This Reaching and Teaching Across Generations webinar was presented by Maricopa Advances Technology Education Center (MATEC) on December 10, 2010. The webinar gives an overview of today's classrooms, explaining that classrooms can contain up to four different generations of students - each...
This Robotics Now! webinar is presented by the Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC) and was recorded on April 8, 2011. The webinar discusses the development of the Robotics Production Technician program and its relevance in today's robotics production and educational marketplace....
Screenshot for Webinar: Steps to Building Great Learning Objects
This webinar and corresponding presentation slides, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), were presented on April 18, 2008 by David Bunnow, Trainer and Consultant with the Wisconsin Online Resource Center (Wisc-Online). The webinar instructs viewers about the steps to...
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