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Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional


Screenshot for International Environmental Negotiation
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 11.364, International Environmental Negotiation.  The site contains materials from a graduate research seminar on complex negotiations of international environmental issues. The class explores the challenges of...
The International Lake Environment Committee (ILEC) works to advance international cooperation for sustainable management of the world's lakes and reservoirs through the collection and provision of environmental data, the promotion of scientific research, and the promotion of interchange with...
This paper, written by Professor Jerome Antonio of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and Professor Saeed Moaveni of Minnesota State University Moorhead, explores the possibilities of collaboration between international academic institutions given globalization.  Both authors are...
This website, provided by the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), seeks to highlight the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and economic systems as they apply to the well-being of the environment and people.  Visitor to the website can click on the resources tab to access...
Screenshot for Introduction to Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab
This webinar from the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) introduced attendees to project Jupyter's web-based interactive notebooks and JupyterLab. Notebooks provide a convenient computational environment for data-centric work, and their simple, powerful interface makes them a great choice...
Screenshot for Introduction to Sustainable Energy
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 22.081J, Introduction to Sustainable Energy.  "This class assesses current and potential future energy systems, covering resources, extraction, conversion, and end-use technologies, with emphasis on meeting...
Screenshot for Introduction to the ArcGIS Server Adobe FLEX API
The ArcGIS API for Flex allows the creation of Rich Internet applications on top of ArcGIS Server. "The term Rich Internet Applications or RIAs has become synonymous with Web 2.0 applications. But what are Rich Internet Applications? RIAs provide desktop functionality in a web application." This...
Screenshot for Introduction to the NanoHUB Simulation Environment
This webinar, provided by the Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC), explores micro nano technology education. In the webinar, Tanya Faltens discusses the nanoHUB simulation environment and demonstrates how educators can use and navigate nanoHUB. First, Faltens describes nanoHUB, which is...
Screenshot for Introduction to the Professional Development Formative Assessment System (PD-FAS)
This 7-page resource, from Edmonds Community College, provides information about the Professional Development Formative Assessment System (PD-FAS). PD-FAS was created by the Formative Assessment for Advanced Technician Education 2 (FAS4ATE2) project. This project created this assessment system to...
Screenshot for Izaak Walton League of America
The Izaak Walton League of America is a national nonprofit organization that educates the public about population and natural resource consumption issues through their Sustainability Education Project. This group also works with organizations involved in promoting sustainability at the community...
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