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Informal Education -- General Public


Screenshot for How I Home-Built an Electricity Producing Wind Turbine
This website includes step-by-step instructions on how to build a wind turbine with parts users may purchase at harware stores. The website includes photographs and text which illustrate how to build the wind turbine.
This article written by Karim Nice explains what a Stirling engine is and how it works. "The Stirling engine is a heat engine that is vastly different from the internal-combustion engine in your car. A Stirling engine uses the Stirling cycle, which is unlike the cycles used in internal-combustion...
Screenshot for How Submarines Work
This article, presented by, shows how a submarine dives and surfaces in the water. It also shows how life support is maintained, how the submarine gets its power, how a submarine finds its way in the deep ocean and how submarines might be rescued. The article addresses many points...
Screenshot for IBM Research Home Page
This is the home page of IBM Research with hyperlinks to pages covering activities in numerous scientific disciplines, including electrical engineering, materials science, physics, communications technology, semiconductor technology, storage, and server and embedded systems.
This web-based learning object, created by Terry Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, teaches impedance matching. "Learners examine the impedance matching capability of a transformer and how to select the proper turns ratio to achieve this function. A brief quiz completes the activity."
This site provides information regarding the improvement of indoor air quality through increased ventilation, air cleaners for particle removal, and source control.  It is divided into three sections, one for each of the three aforementioned strategies.  An overview of the effectiveness of each...
This site offers numerous informational items concerning sources, eradication and treatment of indoor air problems. Pollutant sources, ventilation, other issues involved in indoor air pollution are explained in detail.  A list of popular indoor air quality topics is included, with accompanying links...
Many widely used household products such as paints, varnishes, waxes, as well as cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic and hobby products all contain organic solvents; these can release organic compounds while you are using them, and, to some degree, when they are stored. Other sources of exposure result...
Presented on behalf of Galil, these videos, presented by "industry leader" Jacob Tal, provide information on topics such as modes of motion, dual loop compensation, piezo-ceramic actuators, microstepping, and more. These two-minute videos are "perfect for busy engineers that need quick solutions to...
The Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) offers this website with resources related to sustainable and equitable development.  ILSR champions local, humanly scaled economies.  As such, it distributes research and teaching materials on a weekly basis.  These materials can be located under the...
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