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Informal Education -- General Public


Screenshot for Flash Forward to Quantum Dot Memory
This white paper, prepared by Dr. Mike Cooke, surveys the coming changes and looks at how III-V quantum dots offer the prospect of fast non-volatile computer memory devices. The paper includes sections on Flash Storage, Nanocrystals, Enter III-Vs and quantum dots, and References.
The Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) provides this useful wiki page for the use by the educational community. The site includes a wealth of educational activities for middle and high school educators on a variety of topics related to the STEM disciplines,...
MarketMaker is a searchable map that will be helpful to members of the general public in locating farmer's markets, wineries, restaurants, fisheries, and more. The map is also useful for food industry workers as it was created by "a national partnership of land grant institutions and State...
Screenshot for Foundation for Water and Energy Education Homepage
This webpage, provided by the Foundation for Water & Energy Education, provides information regarding the use of water as a renewable energy resource in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States.  The foundation includes various curricula focused on the topic of hydropower for use in the...
Screenshot for Free Online Biology Courses
This website from Open Culture provides links to free online biology courses from "the world's leading universities." Some courses can be downloaded, while others are available through the web. Courses include Anatomy & Physiology from Carnegie Mellon, Brain Structure and its Origins from Gerald...
This webpage provides information about FreeCAD, a general purpose parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeler. FreeCAD is primarily for designing real-life objects and is intended for home users/hobbyists, experienced CAD users, programmers, and educators. "FreeCAD is aimed directly at...
This 13-page business brief summarizes research on companies that are benefiting financially by investing efforts and resources in lower-wage employee development. This brief includes the following sections: The Case in Brief: Why Invest in Lower-Wage Workers?, Pulling Together for Better Results,...
Screenshot is a website dedicated to announcing new emerging technologies developed through research at leading universities and colleges in the US. The website is divided into several topical headings: Earth and Environment, Health and Medicine, Science and Technology, and Society and Culture. 
This site offers the user a variety of informational links that specifically address the testing, standards, and regulations with which the gasoline manufacturers must comply. Links to various programs pertaining to the lowering of gasoline consumption by the Environmental Protection Agency are...
Screenshot for Global Environment Facility
Established in 1992, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) helps developing countries fund projects and programs that protect the environment. The organization is active in the areas of biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, ozone protection, persistent organic...
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