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Screenshot for Introduction to Sensors Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), serves as an introduction to sensors, one component found in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). This module is related to two other modules that cover components in MEMS, transducers and actuators. These...
Screenshot for Introduction to Statistical Process Control Learning Module
Module Description: This learning module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), serves as an introduction to statistical process control (SPC). "SPC is a set of tools used for continuous improvement and the assurance of quality in an active manufacturing process. This learning...
Screenshot for Introduction to Transducers Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides an introduction to transducers including "what they are, how they work and how they are used in both macro and micro-size systems." This module is divided into the following four units: Pre-test...
Learning Unit Description: The Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT) presents a series of Learning Units (LU) designed to incorporate federal land remote sensing data into Geographic Information System (GIS) instruction. The Investigating Tsunami Damage in...
Screenshot for Ion Exchange Chromatography
This website contains an ion chromatography simulator that can be run online or downloaded. The simulator focuses on separations of proteins using ion chromatography. Also included is linked reference information, an example of a homework assignment using the simulator, and some information on...
Description: This IPAR (Imaging, Preserving, analyzing, and reporting) game is provided by the project "Gamified" Digital Forensics Course Modules for Undergraduates at the Rochester Institute of Technology and is part of a digital forensics curriculum that teaches students to collect evidence,...
Screenshot for It Pays to Save in Your Home
This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight a lesson on energy savings for homeowners. The collection is composed of seven documents. The documents include an instructors guide, a...
Screenshot for IT Trends 2021-2022
These resources are provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC). Resources include four one-page flyers that were developed at the request of member schools in the National CTC's IT educator community of practice, known as the "CCN" (Convergence College Network), to help support...
Screenshot for ITSC 1325 Module 5: End User System Security
Course Description This sample module from ITSC 1325: PC Hardware, a course that educates learners on how to "install, configure, secure, and troubleshoot operating systems software and hardware to achieve high availability and performance," covers end user system security. Module 5 progresses...
Screenshot for ITSS Summit Workbook
Collection Description: This collection contains presentation slides and an action plan from the three-day April 2024 ITSS Summit hosted by the IT Skill Standards (ITSS) 2020 and Beyond NSF (National Science Foundation) project grant as a part of its six ITSS Summit workshops. The Summits were...
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