International Approaches To Renewable Energy Education – A Faculty Professional Development Case Study With Recommended Practices For STEM Educators

This 20-page article is provided by the American Journal of Engineering Education and discusses the findings from two international learning exchanges. These exchanges were conducted by the California Regional Consortium for Engineering Advances in Technological Education (CREATE), now the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE). These learning exchanges focused on renewable energy education and expanding awareness of the global renewable energy sector. Fourteen educators participated in the exchange and met with technical educators; visited renewable energy labs; reviewed industry partnerships; and met with policy makers and government representatives in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and Denmark.
The following sections are included: Introduction; Purpose; Methods: German Learning Exchange - 2014, Knowledge Building Activities, and Measuring Impacts on Educational Practice; Results: Impacts on Teaching Practice, Impacts on Curriculum, Impacts on Professional Knowledge, Impact on Community Engagement and Dissemination, Impact on Teaching Perspectives and Professional Growth, and Perceived Value of Project Learning Activities; Conclusion: Internationalizing STEM Education and Addressing the Skeptics; Summary; Acknowledgements; Author Biographies; and References.
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