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(12 classifications) (389 resources)

Vocational Education

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Agriculture (20)
Allied health occupations (1)
Business (8)
Careers (143)
Cooperative education (2)
Informal education (1)
Instructional issues (253)
Process skills (3)
School-to-work (9)
Tech prep (7)
Technology (148)
Trade and industrial (49)


Screenshot for Employability Skills Framework
This website provides information about the Employability Skills Framework that “was developed as part of the Support for States Employability Standards in CTE and Adult Education project, an initiative of the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education.” The...
Screenshot for Employability Skills: Teaching Tips and Resources
This webpage, from SRI International, provides teaching resources that are suitable for one or more of the stages of employability skills development. The resources are divided in the following categories: Confront Misconceptions and Explain, Play, Practice, Reflect and Grow, and Support. The...
Screenshot for Employability Skills: The Toothpick Factory
This module from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center will help students understand and develop their own set of personal employability skills, such as communication and teamwork. This activity aims to help students understand the importance of soft skills in a manufacturing...
This 4-page Program Support Case Study, provided by Internet Scout Research Group, is part of the Working Partners Toolkit. This toolkit was designed to help educators strengthen their relationship with industry and includes six case studies. The case studies are gathered from successfully initiated...
Screenshot for Engaging Business to Predict the Future
This presentation, provided by the IT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond project (ITSS) and the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was part of a special webinar at the 2020 HITEC conference. The presentation discusses best practices and strategies for employing the BILT model to energize...
Screenshot for Engaging Employers, Defining Skills, and Preparing Students
This presentation, provided by the IT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond project (ITSS) and the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was part of a special webinar at the 2021 WASTC conference. This presentation discusses best practices and strategies for employing the BILT model to energize...
Screenshot for Engaging with Legislators - Sharing the Impact of the Community College Role in STEM Technician Ed
This webinar, provided by the American Association of Community Colleges, offers insights and guidance on some effective techniques for engaging with legislatures and includes some talking points regarding the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program and STEM...
Screenshot for Episode 11: The Customer: Driver of Future Change
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Sara Nicastro emphasizes the importance of customer centricity and customer service experience for technicians. The...
Screenshot for Episode 12: Agility and Resilience in the Modern Workforce
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Amanda Falvey talks about Gateway Technical College's partnerships with several companies to develop a one-year...
Screenshot for Episode 15: Working “Remotely”
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Jill Zande examines how professional societies - in this case the Marine Technology Society - and companies can be...
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