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Vocational Education

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Careers (143)
Cooperative education (2)
Informal education (1)
Instructional issues (253)
Process skills (3)
School-to-work (9)
Tech prep (7)
Technology (148)
Trade and industrial (49)


These slides are provided by the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and were presented at the April 1, 2016 Committee Meeting on the Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Report Release on Online Education from MIT Researchers. This presentation covers...
This 56-page report is provided by the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and discusses the findings and recommendations from the Online Education Policy Initiative (OEPI). The OEPI was formed to analyze the impacts of online education. This report...
These slides are provided by the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) and were presented at the April 1, 2016 Committee Meeting on the Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Report Release on Online Education from MIT Researchers. This presentation was given during Panel II: The Educator's Point of...
This webinar, from EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, provides information about preparing for the annual ATE survey. The webinar discusses changes for the 2012 survey, frequently asked questions, how to use information that grantees report on the survey for...
Screenshot for Orientation to ATE Survey 2014
This webinar, from EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, provides information about preparing for the annual ATE survey. Webinar objectives include: understand how and why the ATE annual survey is conducted, have a clear understanding of the survey questions and...
This presentation by Gerald Matthews was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. In it, Matthews discusses favorable and skeptical perspectives on emotional intelligence, a survey of measurement techniques, and conclusions.
This webinar recording is provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education and covers outcome evaluation. The webinar discusses "how to identify appropriate outcomes to assess in an evaluation and how to use those intended outcomes as a foundation for planning or...
This 2-page resource, provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance (CCTA), is an outreach best practices guide. CCTA offers a series of National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education best practice guides. CCTA comprises five NSF ATE centers. CCTA was formed "in response ...
This 18-page resource, created by the Promoting Apprenticeship Consortia for Technology (PACT), includes lessons learned from creating an advanced manufacturing apprentice consortium. Also included is a list of suggested steps for creating an apprenticeship consortium based on the PACT model. A...
This 2-page resource provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance (CCTA), is a partnership best practices guide. CCTA offers a series of National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education best practice guides. CCTA comprises five NSF ATE centers. CCTA was formed "in response ...
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