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Vocational Education -- School-to-work


Nationally, relatively few of the more than 2.5 million adults who enroll annually in basic skills programs advance successfully to college-level coursework. This limits the ability of such individuals to secure jobs that pay family-supporting wages and that offer opportunities for career...
This 2-page document from the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) outlines the steps to creating an actively engaged business team to provide leadership to recent technology and engineering graduates. This resource provides guidance on the following eight steps: Determine which...
Screenshot for Earn-and-Learn: Work-Based Learning Program Replication Guide for Information Technology
This 20-page guide, created by Columbus State Community College, provides instruction for establishing apprenticeship programs modeled after Columbus State's IT Flexible Apprenticeship (ITFA) program. The ITFA program is designed to provide a direct, accessible, and affordable pathway to the IT...
This slide deck accompanied a presentation entitled "How do your Credentials Stack Up?". This presentation addressed the stackable certificate initiative from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career Technical and Adult Education. The presentation was given by Hope Cotner of the Center...
The Illinois Essential Employment Skill Framework and Self-Assessment is a 20-page document "designed to define and clarify essential employability skills and provide a standard for the state of Illinois." The framework was created by Illinois Community College Board and the Illinois Dept. of...
This 9-page report provides an overview of the work-based course model, "Work-Based Learning in Action."  This model introduces community college students to manufacturing jobs through onsite training and education.  Courses are co-taught by both faculty and manufacturing professionals on job sites ...
This 20-page paper is intended to guide the design and implementation of effective models of work-based learning that expand access for the many people who do not currently benefit from these opportunities. The paper introduces seven principles for effective work-based learning that Jobs For the...
This webinar, provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance, discusses the role of the academic advisor/ academic counselor; the career counselor/ career coach; and the employment specialist/ job placement specialist in supporting community college students in technical programs. ...
Screenshot for Working Paper: Student Decision Making About Community College Information Technology Programs and Careers
This 36-page report by RenĂ©e Edwards and Michelle Van Noy explores decision making for community college students pursuing an education and career in information technology. Through a project funded by NSF, this study seeks to understand the factors that may hinder community college IT student...