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Bio and Chemical Technologies -- Biotechnology


This Bio-Link webpage includes information about the 2017 CSO Summit sponsored by AC2 Bio-Link Regional Center and the Bio-Link National Center. The meeting brought together faculty who are involved with incubators, contract service organizations (CSOs), or both. "CSOs are a type of organization,...
Screenshot for Culture and Maintenance of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Lia Kent, of Stemgent's Research and Development team, has created this video to demonstrate feeding, removing differentiation from, and passaging human embryonic stem cells. The video is also accompanied by protocols for thawing and freezing hES cells, discussion, materials, references, a forum for...
Screenshot for Cyberbiosecurity
This video is part of the 2020 SciTech Lecture Series from Forsyth Technical Community College. This series of lectures and interviews is held every year and covers an array of science and technology topics. This interview features Deanne Wesley, Associate Dean of the Davis iTEC Cyber Security...
This animation from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's Dolan DNA Learning Center presents the cycle sequencing. The animation contains instructions on how to sequence a piece of DNA beginning with the raw materials needed, and details on the process: "Fluorescent dyes are added to the reactions, and a...
This collection is provided by eSyst and covers biological electrical signals. Instructor guides for Electrocardiogram Part 1 and 2 are included. "The purpose of this lab is to introduce the student to biological electrical signals and how they can be captured." The instructor guides contain a...
This lecture from the iBioSeminars project is presented by David Botstein from Princeton University. It presents an overview of the benefits for science and society derived from sequencing the genomes of multiple organisms, including humans. The sequences show that many genes have been conserved...
Screenshot for Deposition Overview - Part I
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides an overview of the deposition processes used to fabricate micro-sized devices​. The lecture runs for 12:53 minutes and covers the basics of deposition, as well as spin-in deposition and thermal oxidation. More...
Screenshot for Deposition Overview - Part II
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides an overview of the deposition processes used to fabricate micro-sized devices​. The lecture runs for 10:33 minutes and covers "a brief overview of chemical vapor deposition, physical vapor deposition, and...
In this video by Bio-Link, biotechnology educators and professionals discuss different Bio-Link programs and projects. Educators and professionals include Linnea Fletcher, Biotechnology Program Director at Austin Community College; Jeanette Mowery, Instructor at Madison Area Technical College; Lisa...
Screenshot for Detect Genetically Modified Food
Genetically modified foods are often in the news and widely grown in the United States. Three US government agencies (USDA, FDA, and EPA) work to regulate the introduction and production of genetically modified foods. These crops can provide agricultural, ecological and nutritional benefits, but...
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