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Engineering Technologies -- Electronics and controls


Screenshot for EE214 FPGA Course
This is a series of laboratory modules and exercises designed to teach an introduction to digital logic course. It was created by Clint Cole (owner of Digilent He has given permission to use it for educational purposes.
Screenshot for Efficiency and Power
This resource, published by the Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC),  is an animation that shows how load resistance results in increase in output power. An .mp4 is available for download and runs 01:40 minutes in length. 
Screenshot for Electrical Engineering Technology Smart Manufacturing Option
This program overview, published by Marion Technical College, describes an Associates of Applied Science degree in Electrical Engineering Technology with an emphasis in Smart Manufacturing. A brief description of the program, length of program, and the program contact are provided. The 2021-2022...
In this animated and interactive object, students read an introduction to electrical quantities, units, and symbols and test their knowledge in a matching exercise.
Screenshot for Electromagnetic Radiation
This is an interactive Java tutorial, created by Michael W. Davidson of Florida State University, covering the principles of electromangentic wave theory. The user is able to adjust variables such as amplitute and wavelength and observe immediately the effects on the animated screen.
Screenshot for Electromagnetics and Applications
This is a course description for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 6.013, Electromagnetics and Applications.  The course explores electromagnetic phenomena in modern applications, such as: wireless communications, circuits, computer interconnects and peripherals, optical fiber...
Screenshot for Electronic Circuit Diagrams
This site provides a comparison of typical and more informative circuit diagrams. "Most electronic circuit diagrams leave off some of the most important connections." This site show a typical diagram and then a more complete diagram that shows common missing wires. 
Description: This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers electronic circuits. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into three sections: Course...
This 11-page lab, by eSyst: Tools for Electronics Education, provides practical experience with short-range wireless equipment. "The experiment provides activities to analyze the organization and operation of a common UHF transceiver, range calculation and measurement, and antenna radiation...
This collection, provided by provided by eSyst: Tools for Electronics Education, includes an instructor guide and supporting files for the Using Digi International's XBee Modules lab activity. This lab is intended "to introduce the instructor to Digi International's XBee wireless modules; and to...
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