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Engineering Technologies -- Marine technologies


Screenshot for HAWKS Engineering: Technical Report
This 22-page report, published by Hoffman Estates High School, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the HAWKS Engineering team for the Ranger Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM...
Here, the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center provides a list of several curriculum resources related to underwater robotics and remote operated vehicles for underwater projects. In addition to providing supplementary information for creating ROVs such as the AngelFish, PufferFish,...
Screenshot for HMS SeaBots : Technical Report
This 25-page report, published by Harrington Middle School, describes the design and construction of Triton II, an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV). This report was created by HMS SeaBots, a student group that participated in the 2021 MATE ROV competitions Ranger class. MATE ROV is a...
Screenshot for HMS SeaBots: Technical Report
This 25-page report, published by Harrington Middle School, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Lancer Lumineers team for the Ranger Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM...
This slide deck accompanied a presentation entitled "How do your Credentials Stack Up?". This presentation addressed the stackable certificate initiative from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career Technical and Adult Education. The presentation was given by Hope Cotner of the Center...
This 19-page resource, provided by the Southeast Maritime and Transportation (SMART) Center, is an interactive career exploration module for high school students. During this module students will gain an understanding of maritime career options, will be able to identify and compare career pathways,...
Screenshot for How Submarines Work
This article, presented by, shows how a submarine dives and surfaces in the water. It also shows how life support is maintained, how the submarine gets its power, how a submarine finds its way in the deep ocean and how submarines might be rescued. The article addresses many points...
This 22-page paper, provided by the Southeast Maritime and Transportation (SMART) Center, discusses incorporating maritime into STEM courses. The paper includes a background of the maritime industry, reasons to incorporate maritime into courses, ideas and approaches for incorporation, and resources...
Screenshot for Husky Explorer: Technical Report
This 22-page report, from Mt. Pearl Senior High School, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Huskey Explorer team for the Ranger Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM students to...
These ten lessons on various navigation topics from the Institute of Navigation include an introduction to navigation, latitude and longitude, map reading, dead reckoning and celestial navigation, trigonometry applications, the effects of errors in navigation, using topographical maps,...
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