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Screenshot for Exploration of Projectile Motion and Air Resistance Using a Java Applet
Using a Java applet, this lesson has students perform virtual experiments to study the characteristics of projectile motion (which would otherwise be difficult to perform in a typical classroom). Using the applet, students will observe the effects of air resistance on the idealized motion presented...
Course Description: Exploratory Design and Engineering II is a project-based course for seventh to ninth grade students, which focuses on skills in math, science, technology, and engineering as it applies to electric vehicles. The course, from Utica Community Schools, and developed with seed...
GeoTech Center presents a series of model courses on GIS, spatial technologies, and related subjects. This first course introduces "geospatial analysis and map interpretation," including "geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), cartography, remote sensing,...
Screenshot for Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Google Earth Virtual Field Trip Activity
This activity, provided by the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), takes students on a virtual field trip that explores issues around the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, such as the path of the oil tanker, impacts of the oil spill, and more. The 12-page document includes a short...
Screenshot for FDM Additive Manufacturing Fundamentals Orientation
These documents from MatEd provide materials needed to teach a Fused Deposition Modeling ​(FDM) Additive Manufacturing Fundamentals Orientation course. At the end of the course, students will be able to identify manufactured projects or products that are compatible for production on FDM Machines,...
This is a demonstration table or interactive activity that GLBRC has done at family-style outreach events such as Science Expeditions at UW-Madison. It appeals to a range of younger children, about ages 5-14 or grades K-8. It is also a useful introduction for more advanced students. Prep time and...
Screenshot for Fiber Optic Network Design Course
This self-study course from the Fiber Optics Association covers fiber optic network design. Intended for either those already working in fiber optics, or those with some knowledge, this course covers an introduction to what is involved in designing a fiber optic network, how to choose appropriate...
This 8-page activity is provided by Agrowknowledge and covers identifying plant phenotypes and finding plant genes in public databases. Upon completion of the exercise students wil be able to "Use Entrez to find a gene sequence associated with a specific plant phenotype, provide evidence to support...
Screenshot for Fluid Power Pneumatics
Course Description: This course, developed by Bridgerland Technical College, teaches students about pneumatic principles and circuitry. Topics include force and energy transmission, identifying ANSI and ISO pneumatic symbols, and understanding how to read and draw pneumatic schematics. Students ...
From the GeoExchange Initiative at Gateway Technical College, this Course Outcome Summary describes the Flushing, Purging and Pressurizing course in which advanced students learn "leak and pressure testing of the completed loopfield and the associated headers and supply/return runs from inside the...
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