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Screenshot for Data Visualization and MAUP Concept Module
This module is provided by GeoTech Center, and discusses concepts related to data visualization and geospatial technologies. Module contents include a video recording, the PowerPoint presentation featured in the video, and a module overview document. The Concept Module is a recorded PowerPoint...
Screenshot for Datum Concept Module
This module is provided by GeoTech Center, and introduces the horizontal and vertical datums. This learning module stresses the importance of datums in geographic information systems. Module contents include a video recording, a PowerPoint file of the slides from the presentation, a folder of past...
This lecture from the iBioSeminars project is presented by David Botstein from Princeton University. It presents an overview of the benefits for science and society derived from sequencing the genomes of multiple organisms, including humans. The sequences show that many genes have been conserved...
Course Description: This eSyst DC/AC Circuits course is provided Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC). This course has 16 student learning outcomes, including: Define systems as it applies to electronics, list and explain the operation of the main building blocks and circuits of...
This PowerPoint presentation, provided by eSyst: Tools for Electronics Education, discusses how every piece of electronic equipment has a power supply and that power supply is a key sub-system in every other product or system. Typical examples are given in block diagram form. All major components...
This PowerPoint presentation is provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC) and defines semiconductors and shows basic atomic structures. The presentation also summarizes types of semiconductor materials; introduces PN junctions, diodes, and integrated circuits; and gives an...
This PowerPoint presentation is provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC) and includes an introduction to semiconductor devices. The presentation defines semiconductors, shows basic atomic structures, summarizes types of semiconductor materials, and introduces PN junctions...
Screenshot for Declining Expectations - The Phenomenon of Shifting Baselines
Module Description: The NCSR Marine Fisheries Series is provided by the Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources and includes ten modules. This series is designed to cover issues related to “marine fisheries with an emphasis on those species that are commercially harvested in the United States....
Screenshot for Deposition Overview for Microsystems Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), introduces "students to the common processes used to deposit thin films in the fabrication of micro-size devices." This module is divided into the following six units: Knowledge Probe (Pre-test), Primary...
Screenshot for Design a Tour Bus: High School Lesson
Unit Description: FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, has developed a series of “Made in Florida” lesson plans to prepare students for careers in manufacturing. These Lesson Plans are intended to enrich science, technology, engineering, and mathematics...
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