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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Saving and Exporting Maps (Chapter 9 of 25)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 28 tutorial videos on remote sensing with ArcGIS Pro. This tutorial "uses ArcGIS Pro version 2.2 to illustrate saving ArcGIS Pro maps in forms that can be used in non-GIS platforms." This video runs 03:46 minutes in...
Screenshot for SCADA Systems and the Human Machine Interface
This video, from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), is an online workshop designed to introduce faculty and industry professionals to material and labs developed to teach learning outcomes associated with Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) in the...
Screenshot for Schmitt Trigger Circuit
This is an animation of a Schmitt trigger circuit with clean input voltage. Voltages and parts of the circuit of this 3-D animated .gif are highlighted with different colors. Current is displayed by green arrows indicating directional flow.
Screenshot for School Energy Management Basics
This video, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), analyzes a commercial electricity demand rate from a real Wisconsin high school aiming to educate students about energy conservation and green building practices. Each section of the...
Screenshot for Science Attitudes and Career Goals at an Urban Community College
This video from InnovATEBIO provides a presentation from Kristyn VanderWaal Mills, who highlights an ATE grant at Saint Paul College that aims to research influences on students’ career goals at a diverse, urban community college. The recruitment of students from underrepresented backgrounds is...
Screenshot for Science Career Journey
This video is part of the 2020 SciTech Lecture Series from Forsyth Technical Community College. This series of lectures and interviews is held every year and covers an array of science and technology topics. This interview features Dr. Laura Kavanaugh. During the interview, Laura talks about her...
Screenshot for Science Careers: Military Vets Share Career Building Experiences
This video, from Forsyth Technical Community College, is part of the 2021 SciTech Lecture Series. This series of lectures and interviews is held every year and covers an array of science and technology topics. This video provides interviews with graduates of Forsyth Technical Community College with...
This video, published by National Academies (U.S.), provides a brief overview of their 2016 Barriers and Opportunities for 2-Year and 4-Year Stem Degrees report. Examples of barriers that prevent students from completing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM) degrees include increased...
Screenshot for Scientific Method
Module Description: This module was created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link) and includes an activity for students to learn about and practice the scientific method. During the activity students will use cellophane fish to test various hypotheses about why and how the fish...
Screenshot for SCME YouTube Channel
The Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) provides information and training on the applications and fabrication of microsystems devices. SCME's YouTube channel contains a collection of videos on Deposition, Photolithography, Micromachining, Pressure Sensors, DNA Hybridization, and a...
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