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Screenshot for Outreach Materials for Training & Reference
This webpage, created by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the US Depart of Labor, is a digital library of training and reference materials.  The cover topics such as, asbestos, blood borne pathogens, flammable liquids, and workplace violence.  The topics are divided by...
Screenshot for Outreach-in-a-Box: Discovering IT
This page, from the National Center for Women and Information Technology, offers materials to aid information technology professionals in delivering an age-appropriate presentation to interest middle school students in computing. The downloadable .zip file on the page includes sample correspondence...
Screenshot for PBE Administrative Policies
This collection of documents from Texas State Technical College (TSTC) provides a sample of administrative policies used in implementing performance-based education (PBE). These documents are composed of a cybersecurity departmental standard policy, statewide operating standards for faculty...
Screenshot for PBE Administrative Templates
This collection from Texas State Technical College (TSTC) is composed of templates used in the planning, creation, and delivery of performance-based education (PBE) courses. Templates for a course, syllabus, performance assessment, and learning journey are provided. The course template contains a...
Screenshot for PBE Promotional Materials
Collection Description This collection of promotional materials from Texas State Technical College (TSTC) highlights a performance-based education (PBE) model, which provides an alternative to a credit hour-based system of credentialing. In PBE, "student progress is based on demonstration of...
Screenshot for Pennsylvania Consortium For Interdisciplinary Environmental Policy
The Pennsylvania Consortium for Interdisciplinary Environmental Policy stresses the need for a "forum for collaboration on environmental policy and education." This site features an organization comprised of environmental policy makers and universities and colleges devoted to improving environmental...
This page from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources provides a number of classroom resources on topics like rocks, minerals, fossils, general geology, glaciers, earthquakes, historic geology and more. Clicking on a topic area will lead users to a webpage with resources...
Description: This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers phase-locked loops. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into three sections:...
Description: This collection, made available by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), features interviews with five photonics technicians. The technicians are shown briefly describing their careers and each video features statistics on laser and optics technicians careers...
Physclips is a collection of multimedia lessons on introductory topics in physics, presented by the School of Physics at the University of New South Wales in Australia. The content is divided into three modules, each focusing on a broad topic within physics: Mechanics (12 chapters), Waves and Sound...
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