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Instructional Material -- Course


Screenshot for Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essence: The Glass House
Part of MIT's innovative OpenCourseWare Project that provides materials from MIT classes to the public on the web, this site describes the course Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essesnce: The Glass House.  Focusing on the topic of compensation for the energy transfer characteristics of...
Screenshot for Arizona Solar Center Homepage
Presented by the Arizona Solar Center, a non-profit organization that promotes the use of solar energy, this webiste provides information about solar technologies, including photovoltaics, solar cooking, solar water heating, solar architecture, wind power. It also provides hands-on activities for...
Course Description: In this Biotechnology Module A course, developed by Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP), students are introduced to the fields of biotechnology and engineering. Students will also discover how science, technology, and engineering come together to help solve...
Course Description: In this Biotechnology Module B course, developed by Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP), students use tools and skills introduced in Module A. In this module students will design a bioreactor for producing microbial proteins, describe the parameters that can be...
Course Description: In this Information and Communication Technology Module A Course, developed by Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP), students explore how technological innovations have changed the world. The module guides students through purchasing and building a computer and...
This course, created by the Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP) project, provides an overview of design for manufacturing and the Informed Design Cycle. Each section of the course includes resources related to the instruction topic. This includes videos, quizzes, assignments, teacher...
This course, created by the Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP) project, provides an overview of the history and significance of machine tools within the field of manufacturing.  Each section of the course includes resources related to the instruction topic.  This includes the...
Description: This three-credit course offered at Macomb Community College provides an introduction to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Topics include alternative fuels, HEV batteries and accessories, HEV maintenance and diagnostics, regenerative braking, and safety procedures. Included educational...
Program Description: The Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) and Macomb Community College (MCC) have developed curriculum for a series of Electric Vehicle Technology Certificate programs, one in product development, and the other in service, to prepare individuals with the fundamental...
Program Description: The Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) and Macomb Community College (MCC) have developed curriculum for two Electric Vehicle Technology Certificate programs, one in product development, and the other in service, to prepare individuals with the fundamental skills...
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