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Instructional Material -- Course


Screenshot for Transit Management
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 1.259J/11.542J, Transit Management.  Topics covered include: public transportation management skills, strategic planning, labor relations, and maintenance planning and administration.  The page provides...
Screenshot for Transportation Flow Systems
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 1.255J/ESD.205J, Transportation Flow Systems.  Students will explore traffic flows through complex transportation systems and ways to model transportation networks to maximize efficient flow. The site provides...
Screenshot for Trenching and Header Fundamentals Course Outcome Summary
From the GeoExchange Initiative at Gateway Technical College, this Course Outcome Summary describes the Trenching and Header Fundamentals course, in which students learn "the fundamentals of calculating and constructing 2 pipe reverse return reducing headering" including calculating necessary flow...
Screenshot for Understanding OTDRs Course
This self-study course from the Fiber Optics Association covers optical time domain electrometers, or OTDRs. Intended for either those already working in fiber optics, or those with some basic familiarity, this course covers an introduction to OTDRs and how they're used in fiber optic testing. The...
Screenshot for Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 11.943J/ESD.935, Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment.  The webpage contains materials from a seminar studying the interactions of urban systems and the environment. Along with general topics, the...
Screenshot for Waste Containment and Remediation Technology
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 1.34, Waste Containment and Remediation Technology.  Selected lecture notes, assignments and their solutions, and exams are provided.  Topics covered in the course include: introduction to and definition of...
This is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "Watershed Academy Web," an online distance learning program that offers a "variety of self-paced training modules that represent a basic and broad introduction to the watershed management field." Modules are organized around six themes:...
Course Description: This Metallurgy and Material Testing course is provided by the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) and is intended for students who have previous experience in welding but none in the principles of metallurgy. Course learning outcomes are to have students: 1....
Screenshot for Wood Blocks and Bathroom (Lesson 2 of 9)
Lesson Description: This lesson is the second of nine lessons from the Vocational Math: Contextualized for Construction course that was taught at Madison Area Technical College. During this lesson, students work individually and in groups to measure wood blocks cut into fractional lengths and use...
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