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Instructional Material -- Lesson/Lesson Plan


Screenshot for Multiplication of Decimal Numbers (Lesson 17 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is an exploration in multiplying decimal numbers. In this lesson, students work individually and in pairs to solve application problems using multiple methods. This lesson plan includes both student and...
Screenshot for Multiplication of Fractions (Lesson 12 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is an exploration in contextualized applications of multiplying fractions. In this lesson, students work in pairs to perform multiplication with models, drawings, and equations, and solve application...
Screenshot for Multiplication of Natural Numbers (Lesson 5 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is an exploration in contextualized applications of multiplication. In this lesson, students work in pairs to define multiplication as groups consisting of equal number of objects. Students will also...
This page from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) offers a set of tutorials, online tools, FAQs, and documentation to help users make full use of NCBI's bioinformatics tools. The tutorials, which target both new and veteran users, cover NCBI's BLAST and PSI-BLAST, the Entrez...
Module Description: This module examines the impact of non-point sources of pollution on watersheds through multiple classroom sessions, a laboratory, and field-based experience. The module is composed of the following instructional sessions: (1) A preparatory activity in which students use remote...
Screenshot for NCSR: Willamette Valley Land Use Change
Module Description: This module uses aerial photographs to evaluate land use change at the local level and illustrate changes of a landscape over a long period of time. This module expands on an existing laboratory in Environmental Science III, pp.115-126 - The Use of Aerial Photography to...
This video, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), offers a tour of a characterization room. Characterization, or "surface metrology" is "the measurement of small-scale features on surfaces." Instruments featured in the facility tour include tools to measure topology, thickness, and...
This video, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), offers a tour of a deposition area of a nanoscale facility. Deposition, or electron-beam physical vapor deposition, is a process that creates thin films or coatings; materials created through this process are often used in electronics. ...
This video, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), offers a tour of a photolithography room. Photolithography, also known as optical lithography or UV lithography is "a process used in microfabrication to pattern parts of a thin film or the bulk of a substrate," using "light to transfer...
Screenshot for Network Architecture Activity Card
This scenario-based instructional activity card, from the ATE 2.0: Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work project, was created to support the implementation of the Cross-Disciplinary STEM CORE Framework. This framework has the following three skill areas: Data Knowledge and Analysis, Advanced...
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