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Program Description: The University of Alabama at Birmingham's Vehicle and Robotics Engineering Laboratory is research focused and seeks to approach vehicle and robotic mechatronic systems in partnership with both academia and industry. Serving undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduate research,...
Screenshot for Fluid Power Pneumatics
Course Description: This course, developed by Bridgerland Technical College, teaches students about pneumatic principles and circuitry. Topics include force and energy transmission, identifying ANSI and ISO pneumatic symbols, and understanding how to read and draw pneumatic schematics. Students ...
Screenshot for GUAS 2372 UAS 102 - Digital Mapping with UAS
Course Description: This course, developed by the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technology Education Consortium (UASTEC) at Del Mar College, covers the fundamentals of digital mapping with Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). "The course cover[s] the full spectrum of UAS mapping from survey design to...
Screenshot for GUAS 2373/2374 - 103 UAS Field Camp
Course Description This course, developed by the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technology Education Consortium (UASTEC) at Del Mar College, covers planning and executing sUAS flight plans. "This course applies all of the theory and skills taught in the first two GUAS courses (101 and 102) through...
Screenshot for GUAS 2731 UAS 101 - Fundamentals of UAS
Course Description: This course, developed by the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technology Education Consortium (UASTEC) at Del Mar College, covers the fundamentals of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). "This foundation course will apply fundamental Geographic Information Science (GISC) theories,...
Screenshot for Human Bingo
These cards were used by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) at several 2023 events to act as icebreakers. Attendees has to get up and walk around the room to meet others who fit each bingo square. Winners got a small prize. Also included is a .jpeg slide explaining the rules, which can...
Screenshot for iCREAT Course II
Description: This course, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, is a project-based course that is "a continuation of topics covered in iCREAT I to design, develop, and implement a complete programmable robotic system using a systematic approach." The course is part of Massachusetts...
Screenshot for iCREAT Promotional Materials
These resources, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, are part of the college's project titled iCREAT: A Pathway to Middle-skill Positions Through the Introduction to Coding, Robotics, Electronics, And Technology. The goal of the project is to create "a pathway to middle-skill...
This collection, provided by Increasing the Student Biotech Pipeline, includes a video and flyer from a speaker series focussed on internships in laboratories. The flyer advertises the spring 2018 speaker series at Los Angeles Mission College. The video features one of the speakers, Adel Villalobos....
This instruction resources page from the Environmental Literacy and Inquiry Working Group at Lehigh University accompanies their Energy curriculum, which focuses on the world's energy resources. It includes links to spreadsheets, My World GIS Files, Google Earth KML files, videos, supplemental...
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