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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for School Energy Management Basics
This video, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), analyzes a commercial electricity demand rate from a real Wisconsin high school aiming to educate students about energy conservation and green building practices. Each section of the...
Screenshot for School Graduation Project in Robot Design: A Case Study of Team Learning Experiences and Outcomes
This paper, from Igor M. Verner and Eyal Hershko, presents a case study of team learning experiences and outcomes for a robot design project high school graduation requirement. The paper presents the project framework, fire-fighting robot assignment design, and its application in Mevohot E'ron High...
Screenshot for Science Career Journey
This video is part of the 2020 SciTech Lecture Series from Forsyth Technical Community College. This series of lectures and interviews is held every year and covers an array of science and technology topics. This interview features Dr. Laura Kavanaugh. During the interview, Laura talks about her...
This site features science fair projects that can be done by K-12 students. The projects are divided into simple, medium and advanced knowledge levels. Projects include ultra-simple electric generator, quick and simple telescope, supermagnet bead tricks, sticky electrostatics, drawing holograms by...
Screenshot for Science Education Resources Center (SERC)
The Science Education Resource Center (SERC), an office of Carleton College, works to improve earth science education through projects that support educators. The office has special expertise in effective pedagogies, geoscience education, community organization, workshop leadership, digital...
Screenshot for Science Hobbyist Website
This website, maintained by creator Bill Beaty, contains general science topics for study. Instructions for different science experiments are listed. Everything from super neodymium magnets, ten dollar infrared googles, and drawing holograms by hand can be found here. 
This MEMS 101: Introduction to Microsystems (MEMS) webinar was presented by the Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) on October 21, 2011, and is offered as an Elluminate Live! recorded Session. Presenters include Barb Lopez, Research Engineer at the University of New Mexico and...
This collection contains the presentation slides and handout that accompanied the Design of Experiments (DOE) webinar. This webinar was presented by the Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) in February of 2013. Presenters included Barbara Lopez, Research Engineer at the University of...
This MEMS 103: Biomedical Applications of Microsystems webinar was presented by the Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) on January 20, 2012 and is offered as an Elluminate Live! recorded Session. Presenters include Barb Lopez, Research Engineer at the University of New Mexico and...
These presentation slides accompanied the "Advanced Problem Solving Tools Applied to Microfabrication" webinar presented by the Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME). Presenters included Barbara Lopez, Research Engineer at the University of New Mexico and Instructional Designer...
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