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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Electronics Assembly and Soldering
Course Description: This course, developed by Bridgerland Technical College, teaches students about electronics assembly and soldering. Student learn how to solder and desolder connectors, components, and printed circuit boards using industry standards. Topics include component identification,...
Screenshot for Electronics Engineering Course - General Curriculum Resources
These resources from Louisiana Delta Community College provide an overview of a high school basic electronics course from Project COMPLETE (Controlling, Operating, and Measuring: Pathways for Learners to Engineering Technology Employment). The course is intended for use in a project-based learning...
This site provides a number of tutorials and information to help students and instructors develop a knowledge and understanding of the basics of Electronics. Topics include amplifiers, inductors, capacitors, electromagnetism, transformers, transistors and more.
Screenshot for Electronics Wiring Schematics
This webpage, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is a collection of electronic wiring schematics for electric guitars. Schematics included on this page are: Strat Economy Kit Wiring Diagram, 2 Wire Pickup Diagram, 3 Wire Pickup Diagram, 4 Wire Pickup Diagram, Economy Bass Guitar Kit Wiring...
This resource provides an introductory activity on electrons in atoms and molecules. Core concepts include the formation of atoms, chemical bonding, chemical polarity and atoms in electric fields. The interactive module allows students to test their knowledge as they learn. The material would be...
Screenshot for Electroplating
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of electroplating. Students will learn how "an electric current passed through an ionic solution will result in a chemical reaction which will separate materials" by creating thin layers of copper and...
Screenshot for Embedded AI in Smart Robots, Drones, IoT: Teaching Emerging Technologies in the Classroom
This presentation, made available by the University of Hawaii at Honolulu, provides information about teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its use in Smart Robots, Drones, and the Internet of Things in a classroom setting. AI is defined as "a technique which enables machines to mimic human...
Screenshot for Emergency Services Cybersecurity Threats, Attacks, and Mitigation
This video from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center explores threats, attacks, and mitigation strategies for the emergency services critical infrastructure sector. In the video, J. Philip Craiger conducts a quick review of emergency services and what it comprises,...
Screenshot for Employability Skills: The Toothpick Factory
This module from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center will help students understand and develop their own set of personal employability skills, such as communication and teamwork. This activity aims to help students understand the importance of soft skills in a manufacturing...
Screenshot for Encoders V1
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes encoders and runs 29:31 minutes in length.
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