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Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional


This video, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), offers a tour of a characterization room. Characterization, or "surface metrology" is "the measurement of small-scale features on surfaces." Instruments featured in the facility tour include tools to measure topology, thickness, and...
This video, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), offers a guided tour and explanation regarding cleanroom entry. The presenter details the steps and procedures necessary for proper entry into a cleanroom laboratory, including registration and how to correctly put on the...
This video, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), offers a tour of a deposition area of a nanoscale facility. Deposition, or electron-beam physical vapor deposition, is a process that creates thin films or coatings; materials created through this process are often used in electronics. ...
This simulation, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), describes the process of etching; the simulation shows how the process of etching in microfabrication removes layers of the surface being etched. This surface is called the wafer, and the parts of the surface which are not meant to...
This video, provided by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility (NNF), offers a tour of a photolithography room. Photolithography, also known as optical lithography or UV lithography is "a process used in microfabrication to pattern parts of a thin film or the bulk of a substrate," using "light to transfer...
Screenshot for Neurodiversity: Untapped Talent That Can Help Meet the Cyber Skills Shortage
This webinar from the National CyberWatch Center is part of a series of webinars on cybersecurity. In the webinar, Diane Delaney and Megan Roddie discuss "neurodiversity and cybersecurity at IBM and the importance of having neurodivergent teams." IBM's neurodiversity initiatives, recruitment...
Screenshot for New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Homepage
The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) coordinates the funds, personnel, and technological strengths of both the public and private sectors in Japan. NEDO's activities include the development and promotion of new energy and energy conservation technologies,...
Screenshot for Demo
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from the 2022 Antibody Engineering Hackathon, an event where teams collaborated to develop Course-based Undergraduate Research projects (CURES) for students studying biotechnology. During this presentation, presenter Sandra Porter provides...
Screenshot for NIH 3D Print Exchange
This webpage, created by the National Institutes of Health, provides models for 3D printing that are related to biomedical science. These models are 3D printer compatible and scientifically accurate or medically applicable. Visitors to the webpage can browse different models via the four model...
This page, from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, offers collections of data for use by educators, students, researchers, and the general public. There are nine categories of data available: Real-Time Data, Physical Properties Data,...
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