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Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional


Screenshot for Transit Management
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 1.259J/11.542J, Transit Management.  Topics covered include: public transportation management skills, strategic planning, labor relations, and maintenance planning and administration.  The page provides...
Screenshot for Transportation Flow Systems
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 1.255J/ESD.205J, Transportation Flow Systems.  Students will explore traffic flows through complex transportation systems and ways to model transportation networks to maximize efficient flow. The site provides...
As an agency within the Department of Transportation, the Maritime Administration is primarily concerned with the world of waterborne transportation. The agency also works in a variety of areas, including shipbuilding, port operations, national security, and safety. Users who find themselves on the...
Screenshot for UDL on Campus
This web page is a collection of resources intended for faculty, instructional designers, policy makers, administrators, and others who work in postsecondary institutions. "The purpose of this site is to offer an understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in higher education." The site...
Screenshot for Understanding POUR - The Basics of Universal Design for Learning
This webinar, made available by Internet Scout Research Group, features Rachel Bower and Luis Perez discussing how educators can increase the accessibility of high quality materials for learners with disabilities. Objectives for the webinar include: Explain what is meant by "accessible" and...
Screenshot for Understanding Wine Mouthfeel: The Art of Winemaking
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America discusses the different components of wine mouthfeel. During the video, viewers will learn about the principles of wine balance, tannins, and polysaccharides. A question and answer session is held at the end of the webinar. This video runs 41:46 minutes...
Screenshot for Understanding Wine Phenolic Structure and Color Stability
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America explores red wine phenolic structure and color stability. In the video, Eglantine Chauffour highlights phenolic compounds, the chemistry of color stability, reasons for using sacrificial tannins, the optimization of phenolic extraction in the winemaking...
The Environmental Protection Agency provides this webpage as a resource for organizations and individuals seeking funding for projects that have environmental goals.  Grant rules and regulations, how to apply, and program offices are included as links on the webpage.  Additionally, the website...
This website, published by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations, offers various resources related to sustainable development across teh globe.  Topics covered range in subject matter; they include resources related to atmospheric pollution, food security and water and...
Screenshot for Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment
This page is a course overview for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 11.943J/ESD.935, Urban Transportation, Land Use, and the Environment.  The webpage contains materials from a seminar studying the interactions of urban systems and the environment. Along with general topics, the...
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