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(12 classifications) (389 resources)

Vocational Education

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Agriculture (20)
Allied health occupations (1)
Business (8)
Careers (143)
Cooperative education (2)
Informal education (1)
Instructional issues (253)
Process skills (3)
School-to-work (9)
Tech prep (7)
Technology (148)
Trade and industrial (49)


This webinar, provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance, discusses the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program and planning for NSF ATE grant proposal development. The webinar was presented on February 15, 2018. The presenters were Dr....
Screenshot for Guide for Developing Learning Objectives
This 6-page guide, from Edmonds Community College, provides information on developing learning objectives for professional development activities. This resource is part of the Professional Development Formative Assessment System (PD-FAS). PD-FAS was created by the Formative Assessment for Advanced...
Screenshot for Guide for Learning Objectives to Analyze Deep and Surface Learning
This 7-page guide, from Edmonds Community College, provides information on learning objectives to analyze deep and surface learning. This resource is part of the Professional Development Formative Assessment System (PD-FAS). PD-FAS was created by the Formative Assessment for Advanced Technician...
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses high-impact and low cost evaluation for small projects. For this webinar, EvaluATE and Mentor-Connect teamed up to provide guidance on evaluation to current and prospective recipients of...
This webinar, provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance, includes highlights of National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Advanced Manufacturing educational resources. These resources are from six ATE Advanced Manufacturing focused centers. "All...
Screenshot for How to Avoid Common Pitfalls When Writing Evaluation Plans for ATE Proposals
This webinar, published by Western Michigan University Evaluation Center, explores mistakes made in evaluation plans and how to fix such issues. In the video, Lyssa W. Becho begins with an overview of evaluation and why it is important to include evaluation in a proposal. Next, Becho explores...
This webinar, provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance, discusses mining job listing data to help align curriculum with employer needs. The presenter, Mike Lesiecki, discusses his experiences mining for job data. Burning Glass Technologies was used to conduct an analysis on top...
This 4-page resource, published by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education, offers job search advice to photonics students. Written by graduates of photonics programs, the resource provides suggestions for new graduates to consider while job searching. Topics discussed include salary,...
This webinar recording and slides, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses evaluation tools needed to measure enrollment and retention of women in STEM programs. The webinar covers the following topics: why gathering gender data is critical,...
This presentation and accompanying handouts from the first Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, given by Deborah Boisvert from Broadening Advanced Technological Education Connections​ (BATEC), reflects on work with employers to define, teach, and assess 21st century skills of computer...
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