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Advanced Manufacturing Technologies -- General manufacturing


Unit Description: FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, has developed a series of “Made in Florida” lesson plans to prepare students for careers in manufacturing. These Lesson Plans are intended to enrich science, technology, engineering, and mathematics...
This activity for middle school students from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FL-ATE) Center challenges students to "come up with a NEW appealing juice container, one that will help sell their product. During this lesson, students will use math, science and engineering to work through...
Screenshot for Coral Reef Challenge: Don't Wreck the Reef
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a biology and ecology activity designed for seventh graders. In this activity, students learn about the destruction of coral reefs in Fiji through the lesson and videos, and then act as biologists making recommendations to the...
Screenshot for Crab Aquarium Challenge - Crab Friend or Foe?
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics activity designed for seventh graders. In this activity, students "model and graph scientific investigation data related to pheromone concentration versus blue crab mating and predator events." After that, students...
Screenshot for Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Technicians (1 of 4)
This video from Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) is part of a series of webinars that explore cybersecurity for manufacturing technicians. The series explores the intersection of information and operational technology, and provides guidelines for developing...
Screenshot for Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Technicians (2 of 4)
This video from Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) is part of a series of webinars that explore cybersecurity for manufacturing technicians. The series explores the intersection of information and operational technology, and provides guidelines for developing...
Screenshot for Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Technicians (3 of 4)
This video from Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) is part of a series of webinars that explore cybersecurity for manufacturing technicians. The series explores the intersection of information and operational technology, and provides guidelines for developing...
Screenshot for Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Technicians (4 of 4)
This video from Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) is part of a series of webinars that explore cybersecurity for manufacturing technicians. The series explores the intersection of information and operational technology, and provides guidelines for developing...
Screenshot for Deep Sea Ecosystems Challenge: Under the Sea
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features an ecology and data visualization activity designed for seventh graders. In this activity, students color-code and quantify data from images of coral to evaluate the health of coral impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The...
Screenshot for Design a Tour Bus: High School Lesson
Unit Description: FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, has developed a series of “Made in Florida” lesson plans to prepare students for careers in manufacturing. These Lesson Plans are intended to enrich science, technology, engineering, and mathematics...
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