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Bio and Chemical Technologies -- Biotechnology


This lab activity from the Biotechnology Alliance for Suncoast Biology Educators (BABSE) demonstrates how to do proper scientific measurements and the calculations associated with them. It also covers how to make a graph of data and how to interpret the data and associated graphs. It contains an...
The Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2) has created this resource that provides an overview of the topic of metrology.  Visitors to the webpage can download various documents related to the topic, including papers titled, Balance Calibration Form, Eppendorf Research Plus...
Screenshot for MFG Your Future: Jeff; Bio-manufacturing Supervisor
From the National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing (NCNGM), this video presents a typical day for Jeff, a biomanufacturing supervisor at work for Becton Dickinson, a medical technology company in Connecticut. Jeff describes his interests in problem solving and improving products- he works in...
The Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2) provides resources on microbiological control, such as textbook chapters, interactive lessons, and learning modules. These resources, included in the attached zip file, "describe various sources of microbial contamination within a...
This page, from the Nikon Corporation, provides a wealth of resources about microscopy for students and professionals alike. The Latest Review Articles section provides written, in-depth summaries of topics like fluorescent proteins and microscope focus drift, and the Optical Microscopy Tutorials on...
Adapted from the plan and construction methods created by the Madison Area Technical College, the mini-fermenter can be used for both small-scale laboratory fermentation demonstrations and experiments. "This mini-fermenter can be used to demonstrate small-scale fermentation activities similar to...
Screenshot for MNT-CURN Seminar Series: Antibody Engineers - Antibody Hackathon
This video is part of a series from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center's (MNT-EC) Micro Nano Technology Collaborative Undergraduate Research Network (MNT-CURN) Research Program. In this program, students gain hands-on research experience and build nanotechnology technical education skills....
Screenshot for Molecule Polarity
The PhET project at the University of Colorado creates "fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena." This particular one deals with molecular polarity. When is a molecule polar? Change the electronegativity of atoms in a molecule to see how it affects polarity. This...
Screenshot for Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from the 2022 Antibody Engineering Hackathon, an event where teams collaborated to develop Course-based Undergraduate Research projects (CURES) for students studying biotechnology. In this presentation, David Blum, directer of the Bioexpression and...
This website from Duke University is a project-based data archive that collects thousands of 3D morphological data and models. The website allows researchers to store and organize, share, and distribute their own 3D data. Registered users can search for and download 3D morphological data sets that...
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