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Engineering Technologies -- Electronics and controls


This 3-page document is provided eSyst and is an assessment tool for Introduction to Semiconductor Materials. Six student learning outcomes and fourteen multiple choice questions are included. Questions cover concepts such as the number of valence electrons in a semiconductor, properties of...
This 3-page resource, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is a student assessment tool for semiconductor devices. Part of the DC/AC Circuits course, this assessment includes 7 Student Learning Outcomes and 16 multiple choice questions to test students'...
Screenshot for DC/AC Circuits Student Guide: Agilent U3000 Digital Multimeter Lab Activity Part 2
This 5-page resource, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is the second in a series of three lab activities that are part of the DC/AC Circuits course. This activity covers the basic theory and operation of a lab digital multimeter (DMM). The activity is focused on...
Screenshot for DC/AC Circuits Student Guide: Agilent U3000 Oscilloscope Lab Activity Part 3
This 5-page resource, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is the third in a series of three lab activities that are part of the DC/AC Circuits course. This activity introduces students to the basic theory and operation of a lab oscilloscope. The lab is focused on using...
This 5-page resource, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is the first in a series of three lab activities that are part of the DC/AC Circuits course. This activity introduces students to the basic theory and operation of a lab power supply. This activity is focused on...
Course Description: This eSyst DC/AC Circuits course is provided Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC). This course has 16 student learning outcomes, including: Define systems as it applies to electronics, list and explain the operation of the main building blocks and circuits of...
This PowerPoint presentation, provided by eSyst: Tools for Electronics Education, discusses how every piece of electronic equipment has a power supply and that power supply is a key sub-system in every other product or system. Typical examples are given in block diagram form. All major components...
This PowerPoint presentation is provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC) and defines semiconductors and shows basic atomic structures. The presentation also summarizes types of semiconductor materials; introduces PN junctions, diodes, and integrated circuits; and gives an...
This PowerPoint presentation is provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC) and includes an introduction to semiconductor devices. The presentation defines semiconductors, shows basic atomic structures, summarizes types of semiconductor materials, and introduces PN junctions...
This short quiz on electric system power supply is provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC). Fourteen questions are included that address five Student Learning Outcomes. Each question is multiple choice or true/false. Student learning outcomes include: Define power...
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