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Engineering Technologies -- Optics


This 15-page document, developed by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), is a resource for instructors and administrators in high schools that are interested in adding photonics courses to the curriculum. Topics covered include: What is Photonics, Career Opportunities in...
This 50-page resource, developed by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), is a curriculum guide intended to support the implementation and teaching of Photonics Systems Technicians (PST) courses. This guide "provides assistance to faculty who will be developing...
Description: This collection, made available by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), features interviews with five photonics technicians. The technicians are shown briefly describing their careers and each video features statistics on laser and optics technicians careers...
Screenshot for Physics Simulations and Educational Games for Optics Workforce Training
In this webinar, published by the Center for Workforce Development, Dr. Erik Verlage showcases interactive simulations and games designed to teach optics fundamentals and increase student engagement in online learning offerings. The video begins with a project overview of the virtual manufacturing...
This page, made available by the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), contains information – and related lesson plans – on Hands-On Optics | Practical Optics and Photonics Education Tools. "Hands-On Optics was a four-year informal science education funded by the National Science...
Screenshot for Premises Cabling Course
This self-study course from the Fiber Optics Association covers premises cabling. Intended for either those already working in fiber optics, or those just getting started, this course covers an introduction to premises cabling, how it's used in communications, how premises cabling depends on...
Course Description: This course, provided by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education, covers quality assurance of precision optics. This standards-base course "provides an introduction to quality assurance practices required to identify, inspect, and measure optical components." This...
Screenshot for Quality Assurance of Precision Optics: Coating Check
This video, from the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education, demonstrates "quick methods to determine which side of a precision optic is coated, and which colors may be affected by the coating." The video first shows uncoated precision windows, followed by coated precision optics, and...
Screenshot for Quality Assurance of Precision Optics: Common Gratings
This video, made available by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), demonstrates diffraction gratings using three types of lasers on a compact disc (CD), digital versatile disc (DVD), and blu-ray disc (BD). The video runs 5:29 minutes in length. 
Screenshot for Quality Assurance of Precision Optics: Focal Length Determination by Telescope
This video, made available by National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), demonstrates several techniques used to determine the focal length of both positive and negative lenses. The video runs 3:02 minutes in length.
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