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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Phoenix Robotics : Technical Report
This 23-page report, published by Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School, describes the design and construction of the U.S.S. Phoenix, an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV). This report was created by the Phoenix Robotics, a student group that participated in the 2021 MATE ROV competitions...
Screenshot for Phoenix Robotics: Technical Report
This 24-page report, from Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Phoenix Robotics team for the Ranger Class of the 2023 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM...
In this video from the ICT Center, learn about fiber optic receivers. Investigate the components of an optical receiver; how a photodetector converts an optical signal to an electrical one; and the characteristics of PIN, avalanche, and metal-semiconductor-metal photodiodes. The video runs 2:07 and...
Screenshot for Photolithography Overview for MEMS
This video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides an overview of the photolithography​. The lecture runs for 12:02 seconds and covers photolithography as a part of the MEMS fabrication process, including the steps of production. More information can be found on the...
Screenshot for Photolithography Overview for MEMS Learning Module
Module Description:  This learning module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), "provides an overview of the most common photolithography process used in the fabrication of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), photolithography terminology and basic concepts." These concepts are...
Screenshot for Photonics Fundamentals for Secondary Schools
Course Description This hybrid and dual credit course was created by the Developing Photonics Education in Iowa's Rural Secondary Schools project at Indian Hills Community College. This course and supporting materials were created to "increase the number of photonics technicians in the U.S. via...
Screenshot for Photonics Fundamentals Information for Iowa High School Teachers
The Developing Photonics Education in Iowa's Rural Secondary Schools project created a hybrid and dual credit course to increase the number of photonics technicians in the U.S. This resource includes materials that were created to further outreach and recruitment efforts for the course. Project...
Screenshot for Photonics Professional Development Symposium
These professional development materials are related to a hybrid, dual-credit course that was created by the Developing Photonics Education in Iowa's Rural Secondary schools project. This course and supporting materials were created to "increase the number of photonics technicians in the U.S. via...
This resource, created by Christiana Honsberg and Stuart Bowden of Arizona State University, serves as an electronic book on photovoltaics. Photovoltaics, as described by Honsberg and Bowden, "is a most elegant energy source," created when "light shines on a crystal and produces electricity." The...
Physclips is a collection of multimedia lessons on introductory topics in physics, presented by the School of Physics at the University of New South Wales in Australia. The content is divided into three modules, each focusing on a broad topic within physics: Mechanics (12 chapters), Waves and Sound...
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