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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for IceCube: South Pole Neutrino Observatory
This website provides information about the University of Wisconsin-Madison's IceCube particle detector located at the South Pole.  IceCube is the world's largest neutrino detector that searches for violent astrophysical events such as, "exploding stars, gamma-ray bursts, and other cataclysmic...
Screenshot for iCREAT Course I
Description: This course, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, is the first of two project-based courses that provide students with "multidisciplinary instructions, where students can learn about coding, robotics, electronics, and engineering design to create a robotic system."...
Screenshot for iCREAT Course II
Description: This course, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, is a project-based course that is "a continuation of topics covered in iCREAT I to design, develop, and implement a complete programmable robotic system using a systematic approach." The course is part of Massachusetts...
Screenshot for iCREAT Promotional Materials
These resources, made available by Massachusetts Bay Community College, are part of the college's project titled iCREAT: A Pathway to Middle-skill Positions Through the Introduction to Coding, Robotics, Electronics, And Technology. The goal of the project is to create "a pathway to middle-skill...
Screenshot for Identification of Quality Characteristics for Technology Education Programs: A North Carolina Case Study
This paper, by Aaron C. Clark and Robert E. Wenig, faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in the College of Education and Psychology at North Carolina State University, presents a case study on the identification of quality characteristics for technology...
The Illinois GIS Association was created to unite the geographic information system (GIS) community together in order to work together to overcome the challenges of the field. This association allows businesses and individuals in GIS to share their experiences and expertise, to participate in...
Screenshot for Illustrations of Interconnectedness in Ecosystems
Module Description: The idea of interconnectedness among ecosystem components is introduced in this module and a number of scenarios are included that illustrate the concept. "Interconnectedness is a fundamental ecological concept, a common theme in natural resource/environmental science...
The Educators' Corner, from Imagine the Universe out of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, contains astronomy and space science lesson plans and resources for middle and high school students. Lesson plans cover the topics of frequency and wavelength, x-ray spectroscopy, supernova chemistry, and...
The objective of this learning activity is to provide students with an introduction to using digital photography and the stroboscopic technique to measure high speed droplet size and velocity. This will be useful knowledge in applications such as "high-speed assembly lines, conveyor systems,...
Screenshot for Imaging Technology Using Google Earth and NASA World Wind
This 9-page booklet provides guidance for using Google Earth and NASA World Wind as tools in teaching. Instructions for navigating the programs are included. This booklet includes six sections: Introduction, Google Earth, NASA World Wind, Examples of Imagery Use, Application of World Wind, and...
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