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Screenshot for PBE Administrative Policies
This collection of documents from Texas State Technical College (TSTC) provides a sample of administrative policies used in implementing performance-based education (PBE). These documents are composed of a cybersecurity departmental standard policy, statewide operating standards for faculty...
Screenshot for PBE Administrative Templates
This collection from Texas State Technical College (TSTC) is composed of templates used in the planning, creation, and delivery of performance-based education (PBE) courses. Templates for a course, syllabus, performance assessment, and learning journey are provided. The course template contains a...
Screenshot for PBE Promotional Materials
Collection Description This collection of promotional materials from Texas State Technical College (TSTC) highlights a performance-based education (PBE) model, which provides an alternative to a credit hour-based system of credentialing. In PBE, "student progress is based on demonstration of...
Screenshot for Personal Protective Equipment Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides an overview of personal protective equipment (PPE) used in manufacturing and laboratory environments. The module also covers "the purpose of PPE and what type of PPE is required for different tasks."...
Description: This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers phase-locked loops. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into three sections:...
Screenshot for Photolithography Module
Module Description: This module, created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), introduces students to photolithography, "the process of copying a high-resolution pattern onto multiple substrates." During the module learning activity (Option A) students "replicate key parts of the...
Screenshot for Photolithography Overview for MEMS Learning Module
Module Description:  This learning module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), "provides an overview of the most common photolithography process used in the fabrication of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), photolithography terminology and basic concepts." These concepts are...
Screenshot for Photonics Fundamentals for Secondary Schools
Course Description This hybrid and dual credit course was created by the Developing Photonics Education in Iowa's Rural Secondary Schools project at Indian Hills Community College. This course and supporting materials were created to "increase the number of photonics technicians in the U.S. via...
Screenshot for Photonics Professional Development Symposium
These professional development materials are related to a hybrid, dual-credit course that was created by the Developing Photonics Education in Iowa's Rural Secondary schools project. This course and supporting materials were created to "increase the number of photonics technicians in the U.S. via...
Description: This collection, made available by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), features interviews with five photonics technicians. The technicians are shown briefly describing their careers and each video featuresĀ statistics on laser and optics technicians careers...
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